


导读:要了解sss的作用,要先了解国际干散货市场。 国 际干散货运输主要是通过不定期船(即租船)来实现的,这是一个非常国际化的市场。不定期船运输的特点就决定了干散货运输市场是一个接近于完全竞争结构的市 场。在这样的一个市场中,由于受供求、政治、天

要了解sss的作用,要先了解国际干散货市场。 国 际干散货运输主要是通过不定期船(即租船)来实现的,这是一个非常国际化的市场。不定期船运输的特点就决定了干散货运输市场是一个接近于完全竞争结构的市 场。在这样的一个市场中,由于受供求、政治、天气、心理等等多方面因素的影响,干散货的运费费率是无时无刻不在变化的。而单个船东或单个货主由于没有能力 控制和影响市场运价,只能被动地接受运价。这就为干散货经营者带来了极大的风险和不确定性。

Want function to find out about sss, take, understand world do bulk cargo market first It was realized through the irregular ship (charter) that world be the bulk cargo was transported, this is a very internationalized market It is a market which approaches the structure of perfect competition that the characteristic that the irregular ship is transported determines to do the bulk cargo to transport the market In such a market, because of receiving the influence in many aspects factors such as supply and demand, politics, weather, psychology,etc, freight charges to do bulk cargo rate all the time in change And because single owner or single owner has no ability to control and influence the freight rate of market, can only accept the freight rate passively This brings great risk and uncertainty for doing to a bulk cargo operator


Sss is a kind of long-term freight charges agreement that both parties reached, the agreement stipulates concrete course, price, quantity,etc, and both sides agree on some of future a bit for the more moment, collect or pay the difference of freight charges that agrees on the price according to index price and contract of official freight charges of the Baltic Sea Sss is a financial derivation product of the freight charges, sss is the risk management tool of freight rate With constant development, the influence of shipping of FFA has been already greater and greater, in the economic globalization, under the background globalized in shipping, if China shipping circle does not need finding the function to washing and price of FFA, it is the greatest risk

近年来,“中国因素”在国际干散货航运市场中非常惹眼,中国占据了世界干散货贸易增量的大部分份额,但是中国企业却没有从中得到什么太大收益。随着市场波动加大,今年的市场行情超出市场预期,目前在sss市场参与交易的中国公司(不含香港地区的公司)已经达到了9家,这9家公司都是在中国 境内展开业务的公司,很多公司是今年刚刚加入交易,可能只是初步的尝试,但已经开始近距离接触sss。参加交易的公司主要以operator居多,而真正 的货主企业目前参与仍较为有限。但是越来越多的企业开始关注这一新鲜事物,但如果在对其游戏规则和相关法律了解不充分的前提下,盲目的操作将带来一定的潜 在风险

In recent years, " China factor " is very conspicuous in world bes on the market of shipping of bulk cargo, China occupy world do bulk cargo trade most share of increment, but Chinese enterprise what too large income does it receive from it As the market fluctuations are strengthened, the market conditions of this year go beyond the expectancy of market, the Chinese company (excluding the company of the area of Hong Kong) participating in transactioning on sss market at present has already reached 9, these 9 companies are all the company launching the business within the territory of China, a lot of companies have just joined trade this year, it may be only a preliminary attempt, but has already begun to contact sss at short range The company participating in trade is main and mostly operator, and real owner's enterprises participate in at present being still comparatively limited But more and more enterprises begin to pay close attention to this fresh things,But if on the premise of understanding its rule of game and relevant laws insufficiently, blind operation will bring certain potential risk

众所周知sss的高盈利和风险性,随着中国参与企业的增多,中国企业如何面对sss投机的诱惑,如何提高自身的风险意识和应对风险管理能力将显得越 发重要,在中国缺少相关法律监管的背景下,如果企业自身对风险控制意识不足,或对游戏规则一知半解,都隐藏着很大风险,可以预期的是未来参与的公司将会更多,sss是中国的企业意识到, 企业亟需提高风险管理能力。

As everyone knows high profit and risk of sss, as China participate in the increase of enterprises, how Chinese enterprises face the enticement that sss speculated, how to seem more and more important to improve one's own sense of risk and tackle managerial ability of the risk, under the background of fact that China lacks relevant laws to supervise, if enterprises are insufficient to the consciousness of risk control, or have half knowledge of game rule, the risk is being hidden greatly, the ones that can expect are that companies participated in in the future will be more, sss is that the enterprises of China realize, enterprises need improving the managerial ability of the risk badly


Today, the international competition is fiercer and fiercer, shipping enterprise and should understand sss rule and use as trader to rent house effectively as soon as possible of China, only by studying and utilizing can it promote the abilities to resist risk of enterprises If the owner or trade side can't utilize this tool to avoid the risk effectively, it is very difficult to leave with a happy ending in the ups and downs samsara of market Study sss uncomplicated theory, and make use of sss market to lock profits and evade the risk to be a new task of China's shipping at present effectively














AK47-SSS VS AK47-金韵


AK47-SSS VS M4A1-暗金风暴














