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《超人之死》又名(超人:毁灭日)(英语:Superman: Doomsday)是一部2007年美国的音像版超级英雄动画**,作为DC宇宙原创动画**的第一部,由布鲁斯·蒂姆、劳伦·蒙哥马利、布兰登·维耶蒂执导,亚当·鲍德温饰演主角超人。



在无限地球危机 1985 1985 The Anti-Monitor tries to destroy the DC Multiverse but succeeds only in merging it into a single universe; numerous characters die, including Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) and the Flash (Barry Allen) 反显示器设法毁坏在DC Multiverse的,但只有在成功合并成一个单一的宇宙的众多人物死亡,其中包括“ 女超人“ (卡拉ZOR-EL)和闪存 (巴里·艾伦)。 Series to spin out of event; Man of Steel , Green Lantern Corps 系列失控的事件; 钢的人 , 绿色灯笼军团 。 Legends 传奇 1986 1986 Darkseid and his servant Glorious Godfrey attempt to ruin humanity's faith in superheroes Darkseid和他的仆人光荣的戈弗雷企图毁灭人类的信仰在超级 英雄。 First Post-Crisis appearance of Captain Marvel in normal continuity, and forms a new Justice League roster後危机出现的Marvel上尉在正常连续性,形成了一个新的正义联盟名册。 Series to spin out of event; Suicide Squad , Justice League International 系列旋转的事件, 自杀小队 , 正义同盟国际 。 Millennium 千年 1988 1988 After the Guardians and Zamarons exile themselves from this dimension, one of each remains and seeks out 12 Chosen to become the New Guardians从这个维度,每种後的监护人和Zamarons的流放自己保持,并寻求出12选择成为新的守护者。 The robotic Manhunters aim to prevent this and several supporting characters were revealed to be Manhunters该机器人的赏金猎人旨在防止和几个配角人物显露是赏金猎人。 Series to spin out of event; New Guardians 系列旋转的事件, 新的监护人 。 Cosmic Odyssey 宇宙奥德赛 1988 1988 Darkseid strives to gain the Anti-Life Equation ,Darkseid努力获得反生活等式 。 Series to spin out of event; New Gods 系列旋转的事件, 新的神 。 Invasion! 入侵! 1988–1989 1988年至1989年 The Dominators have put together an Alliance to invade Earth and eliminate the threat posed by their unpredictable "metahumans"的支配者已经把一个联盟入侵地球和消除威胁所带来的不可预测的“metahumans”的。 Janus Directive 剑锋指令 1989 1989年 Suicide Squad leader Amanda Waller sends her agents on missions in the apparent pursuit of her own private agenda, the so-called Janus Directive 自杀小队的领导者阿曼达·沃勒将她的代理人,在明显追求自己的私人议程,所谓的剑锋指令执行任务。 Armageddon 2001 大决战2001年 1991 1991 Monarch threatens to destroy the future and Earth's superheroes must stop him 君主威胁到,摧毁未来,地球的超级英雄必须阻止他。 War of the Gods “封神演义”的战争 1991 1991 Wonder Woman and the Amazons are caught in the middle of a war between the ancient Roman gods and the Olympian gods 神奇女侠和亚马逊在古代罗马神和奥林匹斯诸神之间的战争中被发现。 Meanwhile, Circe frames Themyscira for crimes that leads to a war between America and the Wonder Woman's home同时, 喀耳刻帧Themyscira的罪行,导致美国之间的战争和神奇女侠的家。 Eclipso: The Darkness Within Eclipso:黑暗 1992 1992年 Earth's superheroes fight Eclipso and his Pawn Lar Gand 地球的超级英雄的战斗Eclipso和他的典当, 拉尔GAND 。 Trinity 三位一体 1993 1993年 The Green Lantern Corps , The LEGION , and The Darkstars go up against the beings called "The Triarch" 绿色灯笼军团 , LEGION , Darkstars上去对人类所谓的“三原型”的。 Bloodlines 血统 1993 1993年 The DC superheroes go up against alien parasites; new superheroes are created from some of their victims “DC超级英雄反对外来寄生虫,创建新的超级英雄从他们的受害者。 Worlds Collide 世界碰撞 1994 1994年 The DC superheroes meet their Milestone Comics counterparts DC超级英雄满足他们的里程碑漫画 。 Panic in the Sky天空中的恐慌 1994 1994年 The Legion of Super-Heroes traverses multiple universes, and attempts to resolve some of the inconsistencies of the timeline of the DC Universe 军团的超级英雄穿越多个宇宙,并试图解决一些不一致的DC宇宙的时间表。 Zero Hour 绝命时刻 1994 1994年 Extant and Parallax attempt to recreate the Multiverse; a new timeline emerges 现存的和视差尝试重新创建多元宇宙,出现了一个新的时间线。 The Way of the Warrior战士之路 1995 1995年 The Tormock alien race invades Earth and Guy Gardner, Hawkman, Justice League America, Lobo, and former Green Lantern Probert battle to save the world Tormock的外星种族侵入地球和人Gardner,Hawkman,正义同盟美国,路宝,前绿色灯笼普罗伯特拯救世界的战斗中。 Underworld Unleashed 地狱释放 1995 1995年 Neron a demon from Hell offers the DC universe villains an "upgrade" in exchange for their souls Neron一个来自地狱的恶魔,提供了DC宇宙恶棍“升级”,以换取他们的灵魂。 The Final Night 最後一夜 1996 1996年 A Sun-Eater threatens life on Earth by devouring the Sun Hal Jordan sacrifices his life to destroy it一个太阳食者威胁地球上的生命吞噬太阳哈尔·乔丹牺牲自己的生命,摧毁它 DC vs Marvel DC和Marvel公司 1996 1996年 Two brothers who personify the DC and Marvel universes become aware of the other's existence, and challenge each other to a series of duels involving each universe's respective superheroes人格化的DC和奇迹宇宙成为两兄弟知道对方的存在,互相挑战的一系列涉及每个宇宙各自的超级英雄的决斗。 The losing universe will cease to exist失去宇宙将不复存在。 The story has an out of universe component in that although there are eleven primary battles, the storyline does not show one side as being victorious这个故事有一个的宇宙的组成部分,虽然有11个主要的战斗,故事情节并没有表现出作为一方胜利。 The "brothers" resolve the situation by temporarily creating a new universe, called the Amalgam universe, which is occupied by merged versions of many of the heroes “兄弟”解决的情况下,暂时创建一个新的宇宙,被称为的汞合金宇宙,占用了许多的英雄合并後的版本。 An inter-dimensional character called Access eventually manages to restore the universes to their normal state间立体字,称为访问宇宙最终设法恢复到正常状态。 Genesis 创世纪 1997 1997年 Darkseid battles Earth's heroes when the Genesis Wave strikes; many superbeings have their powers altered or negated Darkseid的战斗地球的英雄时, 创世纪波的罢工;许多superbeings有权力改变或否定。 DC One Million DC一百万 1998 1998年 The Justice Legion Alpha of the 853rd century joins together with the present day Justice League to battle Solaris the Tyrant Sun第853世纪的的正义军团阿尔法的结合与现今的正义联盟 Solaris的暴君太阳的战斗。 Day of Judgment 审判日 1999 1999年 Demonic forces threaten the Earth; Hal Jordan becomes the Spectre 恶魔的力量威胁著地球, 哈尔·乔丹成为了幽灵 。 Our Worlds at War 我们的世界在战争 2001 2001年 Imperiex threatens the universe Imperiex宇宙构成威胁。 Joker: Last Laugh 小丑:笑到最後 2001-2002 2001-2002 While locked up in the Slab penitentiary, the Joker finds out he is suffering from a terminal brain tumor虽然锁定的小丑,在板坯监狱,发现他患的是终端脑肿瘤。 Determined to go out with a bang, he uses a venom to "jokerize" other inmates, making them insane and changing their appearance, giving them white skin, green hair, and a wide smile决心走出去,砰的一声,他使用的毒液“jokerize”其他囚犯,让他们疯狂和改变自己的外表,白皙的皮肤,绿色的头发,和一个大大的笑容。 Identity Crisis (DC Comics) 认同危机(DC漫画) 2004 2004年 Sue Dibny, the wife of superhero Elongated Man, is murdered in their apartment蘇Dibny,瘦长的人超级英雄的妻子被谋杀,在他们的公寓。 The DC superhero community rallies to find the murderer DC超级英雄社区集会找到凶手。 Countdown to Infinite Crisis 读秒到无限危机 2005 2005年 Consists of the one-shot Countdown to Infinite Crisis and four miniseries which spin out of this comic: Day of Vengeance , in which Shadowpact is formed to defend magic from the Spectre; Rann-Thanagar War ; Villains United , in which the Secret Six is formed to fight the Secret Society of Supervillains; and The OMAC Project , in which Batman's mistrust of his fellow heroes leads to the creation of an army of cyborgs包括1次读秒到无限危机和4旋出这本漫画的电视连续剧: 复仇之日 ,在这Shadowpact,形成保卫魔法幽灵Rann-Thanagar战争 恶棍团结 ,其中的秘密六形成对抗的秘密社团Supervillains和OMAC项目 ,他的同胞心目中的英雄人物蝙蝠侠的不信任导致军队的靠机械装置维持生命的人创造的。 Infinite Crisis 无限危机 2005 2005年 Kal-L , the Superman of Earth-Two , and several other characters return to attempt to change the universe for the better KAL-L ,超人的地球二 ,和其他几个字符,返回为更好地试图改变宇宙。 History is altered at the end of the series历史是,改变在该系列的结尾。 52 52 2006 2006 The "missing year" between Infinite Crisis & One Year Later where the world is without Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman “失踪的一年” 无限危机 一年之後 ,世界没有超人,蝙蝠侠和神奇女侠 。 The series establishes the existence of a new Multiverse该系列产品建立了一个新的多元宇宙的存在。 One Year Later 一年後 2006 2006 All DC comics jump forward in time to one year after the end of Infinite Crisis 所有的DC漫画跳跃式前进的无限危机结束後的一年时间。 Diana has a secret identity of Diana Prince and reclaims the Wonder Woman mantle, Bruce Wayne resumes as Batman, and Clark Kent gets his powers back and returns as Superman戴安娜有一个秘密身份的戴安娜王子和回收神奇女侠地幔,布鲁斯·韦恩作为蝙蝠侠恢复,克拉克·肯特得到他的权力,并返回超人。 Amazons Attack Amazons攻击 2007 2007 Lead up with Wonder Woman v3 #6-8, Circe manipulates the Department of Metahuman Affairs and the Amazons after bringing Queen Hippolyta , Wonder Woman's mother, back from the dead that leads the Amazons to fight America and the country's heroes铅与神奇女侠V3#6-8,喀耳刻操纵或麦塔胡曼事务部和亚马逊之後,将女王Hippolyta ,神奇女侠的母亲,从死里复活,导致打美国的亚马逊和国家的英雄。 The only way Wonder Woman could end this war, besides defeating Circe, is fighting her own mother只有这样,神奇女侠结束这场战争,除了击败CIRCE,的战斗她自己的母亲。 Countdown (to Final Crisis) 读秒到最後的危机 2007 2007 A weekly series that started a week following the end of 52, Countdown acts as the "spine" to the DC Universe that, as the name suggests, counts down to a new event for 2008每周开始的一个星期结束後的52个系列,倒数作为“脊梁”DC宇宙,作为顾名思义,计数下降到2008年的一个新的事件。 The series crosses over with certain titles and deals with Jimmy Olsen getting super powers, Mary Marvel trying to get her powers back, and a plot with the Monitors that involves the new Multiverse and the three characters that were supposed to die in Infinite Crisis: Jason Todd , Donna Troy , & Kyle Rayner 该系列跨越某些标题和处理吉米·奥利森获得超能力, 玛丽奇迹试图让她的力量,和阴谋的监视器 ,涉及到新的多元宇宙和三个字符,它们被认为死在无限危机: 杰森托德 , 唐娜Troy , 凯尔-雷纳 。 Final Crisis 最後的危机 2008 2008 The event that started at the conclusion of Countdown该事件开始在倒计时结束。 Started May 2008 2008年5月开始。 Batman is apparently killed by Darkseid in this event在这种情况下,蝙蝠侠是明显地被杀害Darkseid。 In reality, he is trapped in the past, where he witnessed Anthro 's death在现实中,他被困在过去,在那里,他亲眼目睹了人类学的死亡。 The Martian Manhunter is murdered by Libra and the new Secret Society of Supervillains Barry Allen , who died in Crisis on Infinite Earths , returns to life in this event 火星Manhunter被谋杀,,天秤座和新的秘密社团Supervillains 。, 巴里·艾伦 ,谁死在无限地球的危机 ,在这种情况下返回到生活。 Blackest Night 最黑的夜 2009 2009 An all out war between the living heroes and villains and the Black Lantern Corps and the DC Universe stemming from the war of light所有的战争英雄和恶棍之间的生活和黑色灯笼军团和DC宇宙产生的光的战争。 Brightest Day 最亮日 2010 2010 The events immediately following the final moments of the Blackest Night紧随的最後时刻最黑的夜的事件。 Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne 蝙蝠侠:布鲁斯·韦恩的回归 2010 2010 Bruce Wayne returns to present-day Gotham City after the events of Final Crisis布鲁斯·韦恩返回到现今的高谭市後最後的危机事件。 Flashpoint 闪点 2011 2011 Everything will change in a Flash在Flash一切都将改变。 Night of the Owls 夜晚的猫头鹰 2012 2012年 Batman must call upon the Bat family Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Catwoman etc For the shadowy group "The Court of Owls " are vying to keep their century-long control over Gotham City的荫凉组“ 猫头鹰“的法院争先恐後地保持他们的世纪之久的控制高谭市,蝙蝠侠必须呼吁蝙蝠家庭贾森·托德,迪克·格雷森,蒂姆·德雷克,达米安韦恩,猫女等。 The Culling 净化 2012 2012年 The Teen Titans along with the help of the Legion Of Superheroes face off against the meta human capturing group, NOWHERE 随著军团的超级英雄的帮助下,面对青少年的Titans对元人捕获组,NOWHERE。 Just as NOWHERE`s leader, Harvest sets his long-awaited plan in motion正如NOWHERE的领导者,在运动中,收获他期待已久的计划设置。 Rise of the Third Army第三军的崛起 2012-2013 2012-2013年 Absolute power corrupts absolutely--and the Guardians time is finally here绝对的权力导致绝对的腐败 - 最後的守护者的时间是在这里。 The Guardians, believing that the universe would be better off without free will and emotions create the Third Army相信,宇宙是没有自由意志和情感的守护者,创建的第三军团。 The Third Army assimilates all they come in contact with into transformed members of the Third Army第三军同化所有他们接触成转化第三军。 This crossover is mainly contained within the Green Lantern family of books: Green Lantern , Green Lantern Corps , Green Lantern: The New Guardians and The Red Lanterns 这主要是包含在家庭的书:绿色灯笼绿色灯笼 , 绿色灯笼军团 , 绿灯侠:新的守护者和大红灯笼交叉。 This storyline will lead into the Wrath of the First Lantern storyline这个故事情节,将比分追成第一灯笼的故事情节之怒。 Rotworld Rotworld 2012-2013 2012-2013年 The avatars of The Green ( Swamp Thing ) and The Red ( Animal Man ) must stop The Rot or the world will end in this epic crossover化身沼泽事 (绿色)和红色( 动物人 )必须停止腐烂,否则世界将结束在这个史诗般的交叉。 Death of the Family 家庭死亡 2012-2013 2012-2013年 After having his face cut off, the Joker returns and begins to target the Bat Family後切断他的脸,说笑话者返回,并开始为目标的蝙蝠家族。 Hawkman: Wanted Hawkman: 2012-2013 2012-2013年 Being chased by the Thanagarians, after recovering his memories, Hawkman cross the paths of Green Arrow and Deathstroke被追逐的Thanagarians後,恢复他的记忆,Hawkman交叉的路径绿色箭头和Deathstroke的。 H'El on Earth H'El地球上 2012-2013 2012-2013年 A New 52 Superman crossover where Superman, Superboy and Supergirl go head to head with a powerful Kryptonian being known as H'el一个新的52超人的交叉超人,超人,女超人去头对头了强大的氪星人被称为H'el。 Throne of Atlantis 亚特兰蒂斯王座 2012-2013 2012-2013年 A vengeful Ocean Master returns and the war for Atlantis triggers a battle between Aquaman and Justice League报复性的海洋总回报和亚特兰蒂斯的战争触发Aquaman和正义联盟之间的战斗。 Wrath of the First Lantern 巫妖王之怒的第一灯笼高高挂 2013 2013年 The mysterious First Lantern is unleashed against the Green Lantern Corps对绿色灯笼军团神秘的第一个元宵节是如虎添翼。



广东宝纳服饰鞋业有限公司注定为中国孩子和家长的幻想而生!广东宝纳与新加坡JT 公司、美国时期华纳公司真挚单干「哆咪兔童装加盟反骗子,在中国拉没超己、蝙蝠侠跟女超人童装品牌。「哆咪兔童装加盟反骗子「哆咪兔童装加盟反骗子国内级的童装品牌「哆咪兔童装加盟反骗子,强盛的公司名力「哆咪兔童装加盟反骗子,一淌的设计理思「哆咪兔童装加盟反骗子,更主要的是中国广大儿童和野长的热闹期盼「哆咪兔童装加盟反骗子,必定促使超我蝙蝠侠和母超人童装品牌成替中国童装业的引导品牌「哆咪兔童装加盟反骗子,成为中国宽大儿童和家长的"正义搭档"!



BVS里面蝙蝠侠总共有两个梦,第一个棺材里面蹦出来个像“石像鬼”一样的,那个是人蝠(Man-Bat),DC漫画中的反派之一,蝙蝠侠的死对头,原名科特・朗斯通博士(Dr Kirk Langstrom)是哥谭市里一位专业研究蝙蝠的科学家。他的听力出了问题,逐渐变成聋子,为此他研制了一种血清,希望能够治疗自己。最终这种血清成功的治好了他的耳聋,但同时也带来了副作用,科特变成了一只丧失心智的人形蝙蝠,在哥谭城中为害。



具体内容讲的大概是小丑设记使超人失手杀掉了他的女朋友Luis Liam,之后发怒并杀死小丑,后来也因为这件事不希望世界上再有暴力的存在,便开始干涉各国的政权,最后甚至成为了一位集权的独裁者,蝙蝠侠不同意超人这一做法便召集正义联盟组集反叛军,与超人抗衡


