


导读:召唤师的愤怒:增强攻击性的召唤师技能(0/1)。蛮横之力:1/2/3 攻击力(0/3)。思想之力:1/2/3/4 法术强度(0/4)。在皮尔特沃夫***的眼里,符文之战让整个星球的居民都滥用魔法,并将最终导致星球的崩溃。皮尔特沃夫的科研机构


蛮横之力:1/2/3 攻击力(0/3)。

思想之力:1/2/3/4 法术强度(0/4)。







1 The Art of Qiyana\'s Edge

Qiyana is one of the newest champions in League of Legends with a kit that has a lot of potential for outplays and flashy moments Her kit offers a lot of versatility because of her ability to change the elements of her blade, and it also has a poetic ring to it Her abilities are named after elements in nature, which allows for a cohesive theme that is both beautiful and powerful

2 Yasuo\'s Way of the Wanderer

Yasuo has been a staple in League of Legends for a long time because of his high-skill cap and ability to make flashy plays His kit has a unique mechanic where he gains bonus flow, which allows him to use his ultimate ability, Last Breath The Way of the Wanderer ability creates a poetic feel to his kit, as the name implies a sense of journey and discovery

3 The Flow of Riven\'s Blade

Riven is one of League of Legends\' most mechanically intense champions, with a kit that carries a lot of depth Her kit revolves around the use of her blade, which creates a fluid and poetic feel to the champion The Flow of her Blade ability adds to this feeling by creating a sense of elegance and grace in her movements

4 The Siren Song of Nami\'s Tides

Nami is a support champion that is known for her ability to control the battlefield with her tidal waves and her ability to heal her allies Her kit is themed around the ocean, which makes her abilities seem magical and mysterious The Siren Song of her Tides ability adds to the magical feeling of her kit with a name that is both poetic and alluring

5 The Dance of Ahri\'s Spirit Rush

Ahri is a mage champion with a kit that revolves around her ability to charm and outmaneuver her opponents Her kit is themed around her being a fox, which gives her a mystical and magical feel The Dance of her Spirit Rush ability adds to this feeling with a name that gives a sense of movement and grace

6 The Ambush of Kha\'Zix\'s Void Assault

Kha\'Zix is an assassin champion that is known for his ability to hunt down his prey with precision and skill His kit is themed around the void, which adds a dark and mysterious feeling to his abilities The Ambush of his Void Assault ability adds to this feeling with a name that implies secrecy and cunning

7 The Fury of Darius\'s Noxian Guillotine

Darius is a fighter champion that is known for his ability to dominate the battlefield with his raw strength and power His kit is themed around the Noxian empire, which adds a sense of brutality and ruthlessness to his abilities The Fury of his Noxian Guillotine ability adds to this feeling with a name that implies rage and destruction

Overall, League of Legends does an excellent job of creating a poetic and thematic feel to their abilities Each champion\'s kit is unique and thematic, which makes the game feel rich and immersive The use of poetic names for their abilities adds an extra layer of depth to the game, making it a pleasure to play













Q:(骑乘状态)铁钩陷阱 克雷德扔出一条带着铁夹的铁链,对经过的敌人单位造成伤害(对小兵造成额外伤害)。 铁夹会吸附在第一个解除的敌人英雄身上,如果保留吸附状态一定时间,目标将被拉向克雷德一小段距离,造成减速和额外伤害

Q:(独立状态)手枪弹射 克雷德向目标方向射出一片子弹造成伤害并向反方向跳跃一定距离。






克雷德骑着斯卡尔向着指定的目的地开始冲刺,冲刺中将会逐渐获得一个护盾,并且友方英雄在克雷德身边获得移速加成。 在接触到敌人单位时,克雷德将会放弃冲刺并瞬间向该目标冲锋(瞬移)造成目标最大生命的伤害。

三相之力:Trinity Force

凯南Q:Electrical Surge W:Mark Of Storm E:Lightning Rush R:Slicing Maelstrom

阿卡丽Q:Mota W:Twilight Shroud E:Crescent Slash R:Shadow Dance

慎Q:Vorpal Blade W:Feint E:Shadow Dash R:Stand United