冰人四万年 ICEMAN怎么样


冰人四万年 ICEMAN怎么样,第1张

冰人四万年 ICEMAN怎么样

这部影片很有预见性,上个世纪90年代真的挖出了冰人,可惜现代技术无法为之复活。科学可在不远的未来会揭开谜题。--------------------------------附上资料:《科学美国人》月刊七月号文章——冰人奥兹传奇02冰人奥兹是最古老且保存得最好的人类尸体,他完整的衣着和装备,以及肠道内的食物残留,提供了5300年前人类生活的重要信息。科学家经过10年的研究,有凭有据的结论,与原来的推断… []

Iceman was about 45 years old when he died冰人死的时候大约46岁

He was 160 meters tall and weighed about 50 kilograms when he was alive他活着的时候16米高50公斤重

Along with the body were some other objects与尸体在一起的其它物体

These included some weapons, including a bow and arrow, a knife and an ax这些包括一些武器,包括一副弓和箭,一把刀和一个斧头

He was still wearing one of his shoes and he had a backpack with a wooden frame他仍然穿着他的一只鞋子,他有一个木制框架的背包

He also had some plants that may have been used for medical purposes他也有一些用于医疗目的的植物

Further examination of the body showed that he was well fed, with a diet of meat, bread and fruit尸体的进一步检查显示他吃的很好,有肉,面包和水果

In fact, he had eaten several meals within a few hours of his death事实上,他死亡的几个小时内吃了几顿食物

From all the evidence, he probably had a good life根据所有的证据,他可能有一个好的生活

Perhaps he was hunting for food when he was caught in a sudden storm或许他正在寻找食物时突然遇到了风暴被困住了

For several years after the discovery of the body, scientists believed that he died from the cold尸体发现后的几年里,科学家们认为他被冻死的

Weather is unpredictable in the area where he was found, so perhaps he was caught in an unexpected storm他被发现的地方天气时不可预知的,所以或许他被意外的风暴困住了

However, ten years after his body was found, new evidence pointed to a new cause of death然而,他的尸体被发现十年后,新的证据指向一个新的死亡原因

IN 2001, examiners x-rayed the body and found an arrowhead deep in the Iceman's chest在2001年,检查者对尸体进行X光检查,发现冰人胸部深处有一个箭头

Further analysis revealed that the Iceman had been shot from behind进一步分析揭露冰人是被从后部射杀的

The arrow had cut through an artery and had caused severe bleeding箭刺穿了动脉导致严重的流血

Clearly, it was a case of murder, the oldest case of murder ever discovered明显,这是一起谋杀,有史以来发现的最古老谋杀

Perhaps he was killed in a battle with outsiders或许他与外人在斗争中被杀害的

People were beginning to farm,so they needed to settle in one place人们开始种地,因此他们必须定居在某地

It was in good condition because it had been preserved by the ice他的状况良好,因为他被冰保存着