animal 是什么意思


animal 是什么意思,第1张

animal 是什么意思
导读:animal 英['ænɪml] 美[ænəməl] n 动物,兽,牲畜;<俚>家畜,牲口;<俚>畜生(一般的人);兽性 adj 动物的;肉体的;肉欲的 名词复数:animals [例句]I

animal 英['ænɪml] 美[ænəməl]

n 动物,兽,牲畜;<俚>家畜,牲口;<俚>畜生(一般的人);兽性

adj 动物的;肉体的;肉欲的


[例句]I believe I need animal protein



(1) 与学校有关的词以及学习用具: bag , class , classroom , grade ,desk , book , pen , pencil , pencil box , picture , English , ruler , school , student, computer, flag, letter, notebook, storybook, Chinese , maths, PE, science, art, music, eraser, dictionary, group, paper, homework, song, sports, word, email, library, CD-ROM, question, race,

(2) 称谓\人称: mother, father , mum , dad , teacher , brother ,sister, girl , boy , child , children, friend , pupil, aunt, uncle, baby, daughter, son, man, woman, family, grandma, grandpa, Mr, Ms, parent, pen friend,

(3) 房间: door, wall , bed , window , living room , bedroom , doll, floor, house, picture , present, toy, home, chair, room, doorbell,

(4) 生活用品: clock, box , cup , table , key, watch, umbrella, toy, TV, newspaper, photo, telephone, chopsticks, knife,fork,

(5) 交通工具: bike, bus , jeep , car , plane , boat , ship, train, taxi,

(6) 饮食: food, water, tea , egg , cake , rice, pear , orange , fish, apple ,banana, pineapple, bread, breakfast, lunch, dinner, chicken, dumplings, fruit, grape, hamburger, hot dog, mango, milk, noodles, peach, pizza, pop, soup, vegetable, butter, sweet, supper, meat, restaurant, meal,cola,

(7) 服装: coat , skirt , shirt , T-shirt , hat , dress , shoe , sock, cap, sweater,

(8) 游戏: kite, game , basketball , ball , football ,balloon,

(9) 职业: policeman, driver, postman, doctor, nurse, farmer, teacher, businessman, engineer, dancer,

(10)自然: tree , sunny, rain, rainy, wind, windy, cloud, cloudy, rainbow, star, light, weather, mountain, river, snow, spring, summer, autumn,winter, sun, flower, lake, sea, sun,

(11)动物: panda, lion , elephant , monkey , tigers , rabbit , snake , dog , cat , chick , pig , sheep , cow , giraffe ,bird , dragon, fish , bear, bee, deer, duck, fox, goat, goose, hen, mouse, parrot, rooster, pet,

(12)颜色: colors, red , yellow , black , blue , green , white , orange, purple, pink, brown

(13)身体部位: body, head, hair, face, ear, eye, nose, mouth, tooth, shoulder, arm, hand, finger, leg, knee, toe, foot,

(14)星期: week, Sunday , Monday, Tuesday ,Wednesday, Thursday , Friday ,Saturday, weekend

(15)其他: sun, moon, day , night, zoo, park, afternoon, morning, evening, lake, name, road, shop, street, time, today, tonight,delicious, holiday, idea, message, airport, ticket, list, postcard, square, stamp, hoobby, festival, address, building, ruler, line,dollar,cent,card,stairs,mess,

(16)国家:America(American)/the USA, Canada, China(Chinese), England(English)/the UK

(17)月份:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December,

2 冠词: a , an , the

3 代词: I , you , he , she , it , we , you , they , me , him , my, our , us, your, yours, her, hers , his ,its, their, theirs, them, mine, this , that , these , those ,who , what , which, some, whose, any, everyone,

4 动词: am , is , are , look , come , go , play , sing , run , do , fly , give , has, have , spell , stand , thank ,think , can, eat, drink, laugh, listen, open, please, point, see, look, swim, dance, sit, help, cut, guess, enjoy, keep, send, leave, borrow, use, wait, welcome, visit, work, write, want, clap, clean, cry, smile, make, watch , learn , study , talk , read , miss , hear , say , wear , ride , buy , take , know, like, live, love, meet, put, speak, tell, walk, wash, hope, arrive, believe, show, hurry, shine,ring,

5 形容词: new , old , big , small , fat , fine , good , bad, happy , nice , sorry , tall , thin , busy , lazy young , clean , empty , dirty ,cold, cool, hot, long, short, same , different , beautiful , little , shy , hungry , clever, dear, early, late, easy, fast, high, large, sorry, strong, warm, hard, light, heavy, another, ready, more, special, pleased, lucky, noisy,wrong,careful,

6 副词: how , no , there , yes , OK, here, now, not, too, very, where, why, quickly, sometimes, really, soon, often, always, never, where, when, slowly, loudly,

7 介词: in , at , on , to , under , near ,beside, behind, above, near, from, with, of, up, off, out, by, for, about, over, between, down, after,

8 数词: zero , one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight , nine , ten , eleven , twelve , thirteen , fourteen , fifteen , sixteen , seventeen , eighteen , nineteen , twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred , thousand, million,

9 感叹词:hello , hi , goodbye , oh , well , please,

10 连词: and , but


读音:英 [ˈænɪml]  美 [ˈænɪml]

n 动物

adj 动物的



He was attacked by wild animals



Animal Farm 动物庄园 ; 动物农庄 ; 动物农场 ; [畜牧] 畜牧场

World Animal Day 世界动物日 ; 物日

Animal Kingdom 动物王国 ; [动] 动物界 ; 野兽家族 ; 植物王国

Animal Product 动物产品 ; 畜产品 ; 动物产物 ; 动物性产品

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