pv white red是什么球队


pv white red是什么球队,第1张

pv white red是什么球队
导读:PV WHITE RED(PV红白),不是毕尔巴鄂竞技,就是塞维利亚。事实上马德里竞技是除了巴塞罗那之外,Konami在西甲获得的唯一一个得到授权的球队。图中展示的所谓的毕尔巴鄂竞技、皇家马德里、塞维利亚等球队都使用了诸如PV WHITE

PV WHITE RED(PV红白),不是毕尔巴鄂竞技,就是塞维利亚。

事实上马德里竞技是除了巴塞罗那之外,Konami在西甲获得的唯一一个得到授权的球队。图中展示的所谓的毕尔巴鄂竞技、皇家马德里、塞维利亚等球队都使用了诸如PV WHITE RED(PV红白)、MD WHITE(白色马德里)、AS RED WHITE(AS白红)这样的假名字。虽然名字是假冒的,但是球员数据都是对的,这种怪异的现象在PES系列粉丝心中早已经心照不宣。 尤文图斯这边已经和EA Sprots签了独家,所以在《实况足球2017》中尤文图斯的名字变成了PM BLACK WHITE,不过实况玩家们仍然有希望在游戏中使用正确的尤文球队数据。

Snow-white 白雪公主

Once there was a Queen She was sitting at the window There was snow outside in the garden-snow on the hill and in the lane, snow on the hunts and on the trees: all things were white with snow

The Queen was making a coat for a little child She said, "I want my child to be white as this cloth, white as the snow And I shall call her Snow-white"

Some days after that the Queen had a child The child was white as snow The Queen called her Snow-white

But the Queen was very ill, and after some days she died Snow-white lived, and was a very happy and beautiful child

One year after that, the King married another Queen The new Queen was very beautiful; but she was not a good woman

A wizard had given this Queen a glass The glass could speak It was on the wall in the Queen's room Every day the queen looked in the glass to see how beautiful she was As she looked in the glass, she asked: "Tell me, glass upon the wall, who is most beautiful of all" And the glass spoke and said: "The Queen is most beautiful of all"

Year went by Snow-white grew up and became a little girl every day the Queen looked in the glass and said, "Tell me, glass upon the wall, who is most beautiful of all" And the glass said, "Snow-white is most beautiful of all"

When the Queen heard this, she was very angry She said, "Snow-white is not more beautiful than I am There is no one who is more beautiful than I am"

Then the Queen sat on her bed and cried


snow-whiteadj 雪白的

snowy whiten 雪白色



The grandfather was just coming out of the shed with two full bowls of steaming, snow-white milk


His hair was as white as snow


The big white goose became a black goose


Her skin was as white as snow


The clouds are snow-white


They drew the chair under the plum-tree, which was snow-white with blossoms and musical with bees


She gave her her fine black hair, and got the old woman's snow-white hair instead


I'd like to go climbing a birch tree, and climb black branches along a snow-white trunk toward heaven, till the tree could bear no more

白色的英语:white; Albicans; albus; off-white;, White:

发音:英 [waɪt]  美 [hwaɪt] 

解释:n 白色;白人;蛋白;眼白adj 白的;白色的;白种人的


to turn white 变白

as white as a sheet;as white as a ghost (面色)苍白;面无血色

white coffee 加牛奶(或奶油)的咖啡

a white loaf 一条白面包

white harness 钢挽具;铁马具

dressed in white 身穿白衣的, albicans: 

发音:英 ['ælbikəns]  美 ['ælbikəns]  

解释:adj 白色的


pathogen germs were Candida albicans and large intestine Egypt primarily, whichaccount for4444% and2000% separately 

病原菌以白色念珠菌和大肠埃希菌为主,分别占4444%和2000%。,ies have showed that there is a close relationship beeen Saccharomyces albicans and denture stomatitis 

很多研究显示,白色假丝酵母菌和义齿性口炎发病有密切联系。, Albus:

发音: 美 [ˈælbəs]  

解释:adj(拉丁)白色的 n(拉丁)白色;铅白


erichia coli and Staphylococcus albus were utilized to test the antibacterial ability of the coatings 

利用大肠杆菌和白色葡萄球菌两个菌种对该涂层抗菌性能进行分析研究。, off-white: 

发音:美 [ˈɔfˌhwaɪt]  

解释;adj 米色的,灰白色的 n 米色,灰白色


device is also available in off-white 



  White的例句:a set of perfect white teeth一口洁白无瑕的牙齿His hair was as white as snow他头发雪白。The horse was almost pure white in colour那匹马几乎是纯白色。

  She writes about her experiences as a black girl in a predominantly white city她写的是自己身为一个黑人姑娘在以白人为主的城市里的经历。white with shock震惊得脸色发白。

  The pure white of the newly painted walls新粉刷的墙壁的纯白色。She was dressed all in white她穿着一身白色的衣服。Use the whites of two eggs用两个鸡蛋的蛋清。