


导读:综述:必须杀。就算拒绝他,后面还是需要杀。狼人打法重点:一定要打断或者中断回血BUFF。狼人弱点:月之尘炸弹,恶魔之尘炸弹,伊格尼法印。游戏简介:《巫师3:狂猎》是由CD Projekt RED制作,WB Games(北美地区)、Spike




《巫师3:狂猎》是由CD Projekt RED制作,WB Games(北美地区)、Spike Chunsoft(日本地区)发行的一款角色扮演类游戏,游戏于2015年5月19日在Windows、Playstation 4、Xbox One平台发行,2019年10月13日登录Nintendo Switch平台。



Aim of the game

• For the villagers: to kill the werewolves

• For the werewolves: To kill the villagers

Each night they eat a villager During the day they appear as a normal villager in order to disguise their identity

Each night one of them is killed by the werewolves This player is out of the game and cannot participate in any discussions During the day, the Villagers that have survived the night must discuss amongst each other and decide who they believe is the werewolf out of the remaining players This player will be killed – hopefully it will be the werewolf!

• Simple Villager •

He or she has no particular skills; he or she must be particularly intuitive

• Seer •

Each night she can look at a card of a player of her choice to find out the real She must help the villagers without being found out by the werewolves

• Hunter © •

If The Hunter gets killed, either by the werewolves at night or by the villagers during the day, has the power to retaliate by killing a player of his choice immediately

• Cupid © •

On the first night, Cupid picks 2 players who he denotes as lovers Those 2 players will fall madly in love with each another If one of the lovers dies, the other, out of sadness, dies immediately A Werewolf and a villager can also be in love They therefore play against all others, werewolves and villagers If the lovers survive, they win the game Cupid may select himself as one of the 2 lovers

• The witch •

She knows how to make up 2 extremely powerful potions: One healing potion, which can revive the player that has been killed by the werewolves One poison potion which when used at night can kill a player The witch must use each potion only once during the game She can use her 2 potions on the same night if she wishes In the morning following the use of her potions there could be 0, 1 or 2 dead The witch may use her potion to her advantage and heal herself

• Thief © •

2 extra cards must be added to the game During the first night the Thief can swap his card against one of the 2 cards (face down) that were left out of the game after all the cards have been dealt out He will play with his new identity for the rest of the game If both cards are werewolf cards the thief must pick one up

• Little girl © •

During the night when the werewolves are selecting their victim, she is allowed to spy on them (by peeping) She must try not to get caught peeping by the werewolves, otherwise she will be killed immediately by the werewolves instead of the other victim

• Captain•

This card is given to one of the players, in addition to its character card The captain is elected after having the majority of votes from other players One cannot refuse the honour to be captain From this moment on, a vote from the captain counts as two votes If this player is killed, in his last breathe he chooses his successor

You can pick and mix the cards as you want, introducing more and more characters as your group becomes familiar with the game The minimum configuration is:

2 Werewolves, 1 Seer, 5 Simple Villagers See the table at the end of the rules for the recommended amount of werewolves per players

有可能是手机系统版本问题或者是手机网络问题,也有可能是手机CPU内存不足等原因,或者是手机不兼容此游戏,现在很多大型3D手游都需要比较高的手机配置,建议你清理下手机内存,删除一些没用的软件。最好买个oneBoard Easy N 手游电脑,淘宝有卖的。非常爽。直接连上大屏幕就能玩安卓游戏,效果震撼逼真。直接键盘操作方便。如果还是无法运行游戏,去其他应用商店重新下载游戏安装。

有可能是手机系统版本问题或者是手机网络问题,也有可能是手机CPU内存不足等原因,或者是手机不兼容此游戏,现在很多大型3D手游都需要比较高的手机配置,建议你清理下手机内存,删除一些没用的软件。最好买个oneBoard Easy N 手游电脑,淘宝有卖的。非常爽。直接连上大屏幕就能玩安卓游戏,效果震撼逼真。直接键盘操作方便。如果还是无法运行游戏,去其他应用商店重新下载游戏安装。


1、Please close your eyes after dark Werewolves open your eyes Werewolves kill


2、Witch please open your eyes, he died last night, you want to save itYou have a bottle of poison you want to useAll right, witch close your eyes


3、The seer please open your eyes, the seer please choose a player to check the identity, the good one is up, the bad one is down (gesture), 

his identity is this, ok, the seer please close your eyes


4、Please open your eyes and confirm your identity Please close your eyes


5、Idiot please open eyes, confirm identity, idiot please close eyes


6、Dawn, the campaign badge, please raise your hands, please speak

(天亮了,竞选警徽的请举手 , 请发言。)




附加身份牌,游戏开始后第一天从所有玩家中通过投票选举出一名玩家授予警长。警长在白天最后发言并且投票时有15 票。













狼人杀里,有身怀绝技的神,暗含杀机的狼人,还有啥都不知道的村民,这些角色的英文名怎么说呢?你可能是 carry 全场的高手,但是不知道这些名字,怎么能算是狼王呢?

1 狼人 werewolf

关键词: 杀人 kill 误导 mislead

Each night, the werewolves kill a player The next day, they pretend to be a villager and try to seem unsuspicious They will mislead the villagers


狼人就是 传说中的boss 了,也是 套路最多 的最多的, 悍跳!自刀!骗药!倒钩!自爆!狼踩狼!You jump, I jump!


想要玩好一个狼人,需要有 较强的心理素质 ,谎话出口面不改色。想要说服别人相信你,就要真的把自己当成你声称的那个身份,用好人的角度去思考,理直气壮地分析以嫁祸他人。但小心 不要暴露出你能看到夜晚信息 这件事,电视剧里很多坏人死于什么?话多!很多狼人也是自己聊爆了自己。


2 村民  Townsfolk

关键词: 平凡 Ordinary

The townsfolk don't have any special power except thinking and the right to vote They are just ordinary


平民是 没有特别能力 的人,也是好人阵营里 人数最多 的,他们是正反方都努力争取的对象。因为无法自证身份,所以常常会成为狼人嫁祸和冒充的对象,被抗推的时候总是很心塞。


平民 不必怕死,但死的要有价 值 ,聪明的村民在辨别出场上局势后,可以勇敢的将矛头指向你怀疑的人,“光脚的不怕穿鞋的”,一民换一狼很合算。也可以替神挡刀,迷惑狼人,帮助好人阵营获得胜利。

3 预言家 Seer

关键词: 查验 check 领导 lead

Each night, the seer can check the real identity of a player He or she should lead the good guys


预言家,又称先知,是好人阵营的 灵魂人物 ,他可以带领团队找出一个个隐藏的狼人,因此暴露后也是狼人的首杀目标,寿命不会很长。

在大部分情况下,最晚第二轮预言家都是 要跳出来 的,将自己得到的信息 全部 告诉其他玩家,使好人可以分辨,不会被狼人带队。


预言家需要说服好人相信自己,一旦其身份被认可,地位就是全场最高。做一个好的预言家,要 冷静、果断、洞察全局,避免被好人质疑就心态爆炸 ,毕竟其他人是走在迷雾中,看不清局势的。

4 女巫 witch

关键词: 药 potion

The witch can use each potion once during the game to save a player or poison one person


女巫的作用就是他有 一个毒药和一个解药 ,可以在夜晚救人或杀人,一般晚上不能同时用两份药。女巫救的人被称为银水,但是不一定可靠。

女巫的作用很大,不要吝惜自己的药,因为身份暴露了狼人就很可能会来杀你。但是要 谨慎用药 ,最好 不要盲毒 ,和守卫分配好工作,避免出现同守同救的情况,浪费解药还会害死好人。


5 猎人 hunter

关键词: 开枪 shoot

If a hunter is killed by werewolves or eliminated by vote, he/she can shoot another player of his choice


猎人是一张很强的牌,除非被毒,否则死后 可以自证 而且带走一个人,狼人为了避免被带走,不会和他对跳也轻易不会穿猎人的衣服。所以一旦亮出身份,就很少受到质疑,可以 横行全场 ,随便怼自己怀疑的对象。

但是猎人也是不知道夜间信息的牌, 盲目带人很可能带错 。有些猎人自恃身份,玩的非常刚,上警捣乱,和预言家争夺警徽,将所有反对自己看法的人打入狼坑,最后自己成了“第五匹狼”。

拿到猎人,应该合理利用自己的优势, 该硬就硬 ,发言不需要畏首畏尾。但不必急着拍出身份,因为猎人亮出身份后狼人不会先杀他,技能也就毫无用处。而猎人开枪带的人也很关键,如果可能的收益小于损失,宁可不带人,也好过带错。

6 守卫 guard

关键词: 保护 protect

Each night, the guard can protect a player from attack by the werewolves He can protect himself, but he can't protect the same player two consecutive nights


守卫是一张作用很大的牌,他可以阻挡狼人的刀,保住好人的命。这张牌需要 和女巫打好配合 ,如果足够默契,完全可以带来一轮轮 平安夜 ,将狼人逼疯。

但是相对于其他神牌,守卫是一张没有攻击力的牌,但是 保护性很强 ,身份被发现后就很容易成为狼人的目标,所以前期守卫一般要 隐藏自己 ,避免成为焦点暴露自己的身份。

如果暴露出来了,也 不要把自己的守人信息全盘托出 ,那只会给狼人提示,让他们知道可以杀谁。比较大胆的守卫可以空守,使得自己下一轮的选择更有灵活性,但是要冒风险。第一轮最好守自己,因为这是你唯一能确定的好人。

7 白痴 idiot

关键词: 投票 vote

If the idiot is chosen by the village to be eliminated, he stays alive, but he cannot vote anymore


白痴和猎人有些相似, 可以自证身份 ,狼人跳白痴容易被投死,所以狼一般也不会去冒充白痴。前期也不必跳出来,但是可以在发言上积极一点,不必惧怕成为焦点牌,只要你说的话有理有据有价值。可以穿平民衣服,诱使狼人来攻击暴露自己。

不过总体而言,白痴的 作用较弱 ,虽然是叫做白神,除去不会被投死,他和平民一样没有其他能力。感觉说自己“我是一个白痴”,还是有点傻,不知道设计这个名字是不是制作者的恶趣味。

8 丘比特 Cupid

关键词:爱情 love

The first night, he chooses 2 players and make them fall in love If one dies, the other dies too


丘比特本身没什么特别的,能力用过一次就没有了,不过 他的选择会给游戏带来很多变数 。他也可以通过观察情侣的行为判断他们的身份。



9 驯熊师 Bear Tamer

关键词: 咆哮 roar

The Bear Tamer who's bear can smell if a their neighbour is a werewolf If a their neighbour is a werewolf, the bear will roar



熊是少数可以代替预言家的存在 ,优点是受位置影响,狼人冒充熊有风险,所以不一定会有对跳,而且熊死后不会咆哮使得 他有机会证明自己 。缺点是 无法确定到底临近两人中谁是狼,可能会推错好人 。




