rush around是什么意思


rush around是什么意思,第1张

rush around是什么意思
导读:Has near thirty years of age of Chris Gardner (Will Smith), nothing, life down, accidentally between met has a stock Man

Has near thirty years of age of Chris Gardner (Will Smith), nothing, life down, accidentally between met has a stock Manager, and by virtue of own of persistent, are a practice of opportunities, but intern has 20 people, they must no paid work six months, last only has a a people hired this on Chris Gardner, is is difficult then, wife because can't bear to poor of life, alone to has New York, Chris Gardner and son also because extreme of poverty and tossing and turning, Chase, they side sold a scanner, side for intern, later also must to church queued, fight for are church relief but Chris Gardner has been is optimistic, and education son, not discouraged because extreme of poverty, Chris Gardner even to sold blood Kung Fu does not negative people, Chris Gardner eventually by virtue of own of efforts, stand out, get has stock broker of work

● 奔


◎ 急走,跑:~跑。~驰。~突(横冲直撞;奔驰)。~流。~腾。~忙。~波(劳苦奔走)。~放(疾驰。喻气势雄伟,不受拘束)。私~(女子私自投奔所爱的人,或跟他一起逃走)。


● 奔


◎ 直往,趋向:投~。~东走。他都~六十了(将近六十岁)。

◎ 为某种目的而尽力去做:~命。