db2 报SQLSTATE=08001 是什么原因?


db2 报SQLSTATE=08001 是什么原因?,第1张

db2 报SQLSTATE=08001 是什么原因?







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Grand Canyon 峡谷

Falls 瀑布

Volcano 火山

Plain 平原

Plateau 高原

Geographical environment 地理环境

Geographic outlook 地理面貌


physical geography 自然地理

economic geography 经济地理

geopolitics 地理政治论

ethnography 民族志

cosmography 宇宙志

cosmology 宇宙论

geology 地理学

toponymy 地名学

oceanography 海洋学

meteorology 气象学

orography 山志学

hydroaraphy 水文学

vegetation 植被

relief 地形,地貌

climate 气候

Earth 地球,大地

Universe, cosmos 宇宙

world 世界

globe 地球仪

earth, globe 地壳

continent 大陆

terra firma 陆地

coast 海岸

archipelago 群岛

peninsula 半岛

island 岛

plain 平原

valley 谷地

meadow (小)草原

prairie (大)草原

lake 湖泊

pond 池塘

marsh, bog, swamp 沼泽

small lake 小湖

lagoon 泻湖

moor, moorland 荒原

desert 沙漠

dune 沙丘

oasis 绿洲

savanna, savannah (南美)大草原

virgin forest 原始森林

steppe 大草原

tundra 冻原


gabbro 辉长岩

gadolinium 钆

gagate 煤精

gage line 水位站基准线

gage rod 标尺

galena 方铅矿

galenite 方铅矿

gallery forest 长廊林

gallium 镓

galvanometer 电疗

gamete 配子

gametophyte 配子体

gamma 反差系数

gamma radiation 辐射

gamma ray activity 射线放射性

gamma ray background 射线背景

gamma ray detector 射线探测器

gamma ray log 射线测井

gamma ray spectrometer 射线能谱仪

gangue mineral 脉矿物

gangue rock 脉岩

gaping fault 张开断层

garden city 花园城市

garigue 常绿矮灌木丛

garnet 石榴石

garnierite 硅镁镍矿

gas 瓦斯

gas coal 气煤

gas constant 气体常数

gas exchange 气体交换

gas exchange quotient 气体交换系数

gas expansion method 气体膨胀法

gas flame coal 长焰炭

gas gangrene 气性坏疽

gas geochemistry 气体地球化学

gas ion 气体离子

gas permeability 透气性

gas thermometer 气体温度表

gaseous inclusion 气体包裹体

gasogenic anomaly 气成异常

gaussian elimination 高斯消去法

gazetteer 地名表

gel 凝胶体

gel peptization 凝胶分散

gelatin 煤

gelic cambisols 冰冻始成土

gelic gleysols 冰冻潜育土

gelic histosols 冰冻有机土

gelic planosols 冰冻粘磐土

gelic regosols 冰冻粗骨土

gemmology 宝石学

gene 遗传原质

genealogical tree 系统树

genealogy 系统

general cartography 普通地图学

general circulation 总环流大气环流

general geochemistry 普通地球化学

general map 一览图

generalization 综合

generalization by the representation of groups 概念综合

generalized heat content 热函

generation of relief 地形世代

genesis 发生

genetic factor 遗传因子

genetic homogeneity 成因均匀性

genetic information 遗传信息

genetic profile 发生剖面

genetics 遗传学

genotype 遗传型

gentle breeze 微风

gentle slope 缓坡

genus 属

geoanalysis 地学分析

geoanticline 地背斜

geobiochemical circulation 地球生物化学循环

geobiochemistry 地球生物化学

geobotanical control 地植物蝶

geobotanical prospecting 地植物勘探

geobotanical survey 地植物学甸

geobotany 地植物学

geocancerology 肿瘤地理学

geocentric coordinates 地心坐标

geocentric latitude 地心纬度

geocentric longitude 地心经度

geocentric system 地心系统

geocentric system of the universe 地心体系

geochemical anomaly 地球化学异常

geochemical balance 地球化学平衡

geochemical barriers 地球化学障

geochemical behavior 地球化学性状

geochemical character of the elements 元素的地球化学性质

geochemical classification 地球化学分类

geochemical control 地球化学的控制

geochemical culmination 地球化学的积顶点

geochemical cycle of elements 地球化学的元素循环

geochemical detailed survey 地球化学详查

geochemical differentiation 地球化学分异酌

geochemical dispersion 地球化学分散

geochemical drainage reconnaissance 地球化学水系普查

geochemical drainage survey 水地球化学测量

geochemical ecology 地球化学生态学

geochemical endemia 地球化学地方病

geochemical environment 地球化学环境

geochemical exploration 地球化学勘探

geochemical facies 地球化学相

geochemical gas survey 气体地球化学测量

geochemical gradient 地球化学梯度

geochemical index 地球化学指数

geochemical indicators 地球化学指标

geochemical landscape 地球化学景观

geochemical leading elements 地球化学标准元素

geochemical map 地球化学图

geochemical mapping 地球化学填图

geochemical migration of elements 地球化学的元素迁移

geochemical process 地球化学过程

geochemical profile 地球化学剖面

geochemical prospecting 地球化学探矿;地球化学勘探

geochemical province 地球化学区

geochemical recognition 地球化学善查

geochemical reconnaissance 地球化学踏勘

geochemical relief 地球化学地势

geochemical soil survey 土壤地球化学测量

geochemical surface 地球化学面

geochemical survey 地球化学勘探

geochemistry 地球化学

geochemistry of individual elements 个别元素地球化学

geochemistry of landscape 景观地球化学

geochemistry of lithoshere 岩石圈地球化学

geochemistry of mineral deposits 矿床地球化学

geochemistry of the atmosphere 大气地球化学

geochemistry of the heay element 重元素地球化学

geochemistry of the hydrosphere 水圈地球化学

geochemistry of the soil 土壤地球化学

geochronologic scale 地质年代表

geochronologic unit 地质年代单位

geochronology 地质年代学

geochronology of varve clay 纹泥地质年代

geochryology 冻土学

geocratic periods 大陆扩展期

geodesic line 大地线

geodesic satellite 测地卫星

geodesy 测地学

geodetic astronomy 大地天文学

geodetic azimuth 大地方位角

geodetic base 大地测量基线

geodetic chain 控制网

geodetic coordinate system 大地坐标系

geodetic coordinates 大地坐标

geodetic equator 大地赤道

geodetic latitude 大地纬度

geodetic line 大地线

geodetic longitude 大地经度

geodetic network 大地控制网

geodetic point 大地点

geodetic quadrangle 大地四边形

geodetic satellite 测地卫星

geodetic survey 大地测量

geodetic zenith 大地天顶

geodetics 测地学

geodimeter 光电测距仪

geodynamics 地球动力学

geoenergetic theory 地球能量论

geoflexure 地球褶皱

geognosy 地球构造学

geographic azimuth 地理方位角

geographic coordinate net 地理坐标格网

geographic coordinate values 地理坐标值

geographic coordinates 地理坐标

geographic cycle 地理循环

geographic data 地理资料

geographic data base 地理资料库

geographic data handling 地理数据外理

geographic elements 地理要素

geographic information 地理信息

geographic information system 地理信息系统

geographic latitude 地理纬度

geographic longitude 地理经度

geographic meridian 地理子午线

geographic name 地理名称

geographic network 地理坐标网

geographic north 地理北

geographic pathology 地理病理学

geographical components 地理成分

geographical distribution 地理分布

geographical environment 地理环境

geographical information system 地理信息系统

geographical isolation 地理隔离

geographical landscape 地理景观

geographical map 地图

geographical position 地理位置

geographical variation 地理变异

geographical vicariad 地理的替代种

geographical zonality 地理地带性

geographical zonation 地理地带性

geographical zone 地理带

geography 地理学

geohistory 地史学

geohydrology 水文地质学

geoid 地球体

geoidal height 大地水准面高

geoisotherm 等地温线

geologic barometer 地质压力计

geologic column 地质柱状图

geologic map 地质图

geologic time scale 地质年代表

geological aerosurvey 地质航空勘测

geological age 地质时代

geological column map 地质柱状地图

geological cycle 地质回旋

geological environment 地质环境

geological formation 地质建造

geological map of bed rocks 基岩地质图

geological profile 地质剖面

geological remote sensing 地质遥感

geological reserves 地质储量

geological structure 地质构造

geology 地质学

geomagnetic axis 地磁轴

geomagnetic latitude 地磁纬度

geomagnetic pole 地磁极

geomagnetic reversal 地磁反向

geomagnetism 地磁

geometer 测地仪

geometric correction 几何校正

geometric distortion 几何畸变

geometric generalization 几何综合

geometric mean 几何平均

geomicrobiological prospecting 地球微生物探矿

geomicrobiology 地球微生物学

geominating capacity 发芽能力

geomorphic contrasts 地貌衬度

geomorphic history 地貌发展史

geomorphic levels 地貌水准面

geomorphologic agent 地貌营力

geomorphologic map 地形图

geomorphological profile 地貌剖面

geomorphological regionalisation 地貌的区域化

geomorphology 地形学

geonomics 经济地理学

geony 地原学

geophagia 食土癖

geophagy 食土癖

geophone 地震检波器

geophotogrammetry 地面摄影测量术

geophysical prospecting 地球物理勘探

geophysics 地球物理学

geophysiography 地球学

geophyte 地下芽植物

geophytes 地下芽植物

geopotential 重力

geoscopy 测地学

geospheres 陆圈

geostationary meteorological satellite 地球静止气象卫星

geostationary meteorological satellite system 地球静止气象卫星系统

geostationary operational environmental satellite 同步环境实用卫星

geostationary orbit 地球静止轨道

geostationary satellite 地球静止卫星

geostratigraphy 全球地层学

geostrophic current 地转风气流

geostrophic wind 地转风

geosuture 地缝合线

geosynclinal area 地槽区

geosynclinal belt 地槽带

geosynclinal system 地槽系

geosyncline 地槽

geotechnical system 地质工学系

geotechnics 土工学

geotechnological regionalization 地学工程技术区划

geotectonic geology 大地构造地质学

geotectonic map 大地构造图

geotectonics 构造地质学

geotecture 大地构造

geothermal gradient 地温梯度

geothermal remote sensing 地热遥感

geothermal well 地热井坑

geothermy 地热

geotropism 向地性

germ 萌芽

german measles 风疹

germanium 锗

germicide 杀菌剂

germinating ability 发芽能力

germination 发芽

geyser 间歇泉

geyserite 硅华

ghost echo 回波

giant's kettle 瓯穴

giantism 巨人症

gibbsite 三水铝矿

gigantism 巨人症

gilgai 粘土小洼地

gismondite 多水高岭土

glacial 冰河的

glacial amphitheater 粒雪盆

glacial anticyclone 冰原反气旋

glacial cycle 冰川旋回

glacial denudation 冰蚀

glacial deposit 冰川沉积

glacial erosion 冰蚀

glacial erosion cycle 冰蚀轮回

glacial erosion lake 冰蚀湖

glacial flora 冰川植物群

glacial forms of relief 冰川地形

glacial geology 冰川地质学

glacial lake 冰川湖

glacial moulin 冰川磨

glacial period 冰纪

glacial polish 冰川磨片

glacial pot hole 冰川穴

glacial scratches 冰川擦痕

glacial stage 冰川期

glacial stairway 冰蚀谷阶梯

glacial steps 冰蚀谷阶梯

glacial stream 冰河

glacial stria 冰川擦痕

glacial till 冰碛物

glacial trough 冰川槽

glacial valley 冰蚀谷

glacial valley lake 冰蚀谷湖

glaciated shelf 冰成陆架

glaciation 冻结成冰

glaciation boundary 冰蚀边界

glacier 冰川

glacier bed 冰河床

glacier breeze 冰川风

glacier cave 冰川洞

glacier fall 冰瀑

glacier fissures 冰川裂隙

glacier ice 冰川冰

glacier milk 冰川乳浆

glacier outburst flood 冰川崩溃

glacier table 冰桌

glacier tongue 冰舌

glacio isostasy 冰川地壳均衡;冰河地壳均衡

glacioclimatology 冰河气候学

glaciology 冰川学

glamyrolysis 海解酌

glance coal 辉煤

gland 腺

glass electrode 玻璃电极

glass eraser 玻璃丝毛刷

glassy lustre 玻璃光泽

glassy texture 玻质结构

glauberite 钙芒硝

glauconite 海绿石

glauconitic sand 海绿石砂

glazed frost 冻雨

glei 潜育

gley 潜育

gley alluvial brown soil 潜育棕色冲积土

gley barrier 潜育壁垒

gley horizon 潜育层

gley like paddy soil 潜育状水稻土

gley like podzol 潜育状灰壤

gley podzolic soils 潜育灰壤

gley soil 潜育土

gleyed forest soil 潜育化森林土

gleyed paddy soil 潜育水稻土

gleyic acrisols 潜育强淋溶土

gleyic andosols 潜育暗色土

gleyic cambisols 潜育始成土

gleyic chernozems 潜育黑钙土

gleyic fluvisols 潜育冲积土

gleyic greyzems 潜育灰色森林土

gleyic luvisol 潜育淋溶土

gleyic phaiozems 潜育黑土

gleyic podzols 潜育灰壤

gleyic podzoluvisols 潜育灰化土

gleyic solochaks 潜育盐土

gleyic solonetz 潜育碱土

gleying process 潜育

gleysols 潜育土

gleyzation 潜育

gliding 滑动

global climate 世界气候

global environment 全球环境

global geomorphology 全球地貌学

global pollution 全球污染

global radiation 环球辐射

global remote sensing 全球遥感

global satellite system 全球卫星系统

globe 地球仪

globe ligthning 球状闪电

globigerina ooze 抱球虫软泥

globular jointing 球状节理

globular projection 全球投影

glossaqualf 舌状白土潮淋溶土

glossic chernozems 舌状黑钙土

glossudalf 舌状土湿淋溶土

glowing cloud 鲜光云

glucose 葡萄糖

glycolysis 糖解

glycophyte glykiphyte 淡土植物

glyptogenesis 地形雕塑酌

gneiss 片麻岩

gneissic schistosity 片麻理

gneissose granite 片麻状花岗岩

gnomonic projection 球心投影

goethite 针铁矿

gold deposit 金矿床

gold ore 金矿

golets 秃峰

goniometer 测角仪

goniometric network 测角网

gonochorism 雌雄异体

good tilth 良好耕性

goods traffic 货流

gorge 峡谷

gossan 铁帽

gouge clay 脉壁泥

gout 痛风

graben 地堑

graben valley 断块谷

gradation 分级

grade 等级

graded bedding 序粒层

graded bench 均衡阶地

graded coasts 夷海岸

graded colors 梯度色调

graded river 均衡河流

graded sediments 分级沉积

gradient 梯度

gradient coupling 梯度耦合

gradient currents 坡降流

gradient wind 梯度风

gradiometer 重力梯度仪

graduated symbol 不依比例尺等级符号

graduation 分划

grain 微粒

grain aphid 谷类蚜虫

grain crops 谷类罪

grain size 粒子大小

grain size distribution curve 粒度分布曲线

grain size distribution of soil 土壤粒径分配

graining 磨砂目

grains of ice 冻雨

gram atom 克原子

gram equivalent 克当量

gram molecule 克分子

gram negative bacteria 革兰氏阴性细菌

gram positive bacteria 革兰氏阳性细菌

gram staining method 革兰氏染色法

gramineae 禾本科

grance coal 光亮型煤镜煤

granite gneiss dome 花岗片麻岩穹丘

granite layer 花岗质岩层

granite pegmatite 花岗伟晶岩

granite porphyry 花岗斑岩

granite sand 花岗岩砂粒

granitic subsoil 花岗岩发育的心土

granitic texture 花岗状结构

granitite 黑云花岗岩

granitization 花岗岩化

granodiorite 花岗闪长岩

granodolerite 花岗粗玄岩

granophyre 花斑岩

granosyenite 花岗正长岩

granular aggregate 团粒状团聚体

granular structure 粒状结构

granular variation 粒度变异

granularity 粒度

granulated fertilizer 颗粒肥料

granulation 粒化酌

granule 团粒

granule roundstone 粒状圆石

granulometric composition 颗粒组成

graph 图表

graphic adjustment 图解平差

graphic data base 图形数据库

graphic display 图形显示

graphic index of the maps 地图一览表

graphic resection 图解后方交会

graphic scale 图解比例尺

graphic texture 文象结构

graphical enlargement 图解放大

graphometer 测角器

grass heathland 丛草原

grass marsh pine forest 草本沼泽松林

grass minimum temperature 最低地面温度

grass moor 沼泽草原

grass pine forest 草本松林

grass savanna 禾草稀噬草原

grass sod 草皮

grass spruce forest 草云杉林

grasses 禾本种

grassland 草地

grassland establishment 建成草地

grassland in the forest 林中草地

grassland science 草地生态学

grassland survey 草地甸

grassy bog 禾草沼泽

graticule 地理坐标网

graticule intersections 经纬网交点

graticule plate 制图格网版

graticule templete 制图格网展绘模片

graticule ticks 经纬网延伸短线

grating 光栅

grating constant 光栅常数

grating equation 光栅方程

grating spectrograph 光栅光谱仪

gravel 砾

gravel ground 砾质土

gravel layer 砾石层

gravel soil 砾质土

gravelly loam 砾质壤土

graver 刻刀

gravimertrical geodesy 大地重力测量学

gravimeter 重力仪

gravimetric analysis 重量分析

gravimetry 重力测量学

gravitation 引力

gravitational anomaly 重力异常

gravitational constant 引力常数

gravitational differentiation 重力分异

gravitational geomorphology 重力地貌

gravitational potential 重力势

gravitational prospecting 重力勘探

gravitational water 重力水

gravitational wave 重力波

gravitative differentiation 重力分异

gravity 重力

gravity acceleration 重力加速度

gravity anomaly belt 重力异常带

gravity constant 重力常数

gravity dam 重力坝

gravity disturbance 重力扰动

gravity field 重力场

gravity field of the earth 地球重力场

gravity flow 重力流

gravity folds 重力褶皱

gravity gliding 重力滑动

gravity gradient 重力梯度

gravity ground water 地下重力水

gravity measurement 重力测定

gravity measurement at sea 海上重力测量

gravity point 重力点

gravity potential 重力势

gravity prospecting 重力勘探

gravity reduction 重力归算

gravity slope 重力坡

gravity solution 重液

gravity spring 重力泉

gravity tectonics 重力构造

gray brown desert soil 灰棕漠境土;灰棕色荒漠土

gray brown forest soil 灰棕色森林土

gray brown podzolic soil 灰棕色灰化土

gray cinnamonic soil 灰褐土

gray desert soil 灰钙土

gray desert steppe soil 灰漠草原土

gray ferruginous soil 灰色铁质土

gray forest gley soil 潜育灰色森林土

gray forest soil 灰色森林土

gray humic acid 灰色胡敏酸

gray level distribution 灰度分布

gray level resolution 灰度分辨率

gray scale 灰度等级;灰度标

gray solodic soil 灰色脱碱土

gray warp soil 灰色冲积土

graywacke 杂砂岩

grayzems 灰色森林土

grazing 放牧

grazing capacity 载畜量

grazing district 牧区

grazing land 牧地

grazing season 放牧季节

greasy lustre 脂肪光泽

great ice age 大冰期

great soil group 土类

green algae 绿藻类

green fooder 青饲料

green index number 绿色指数值

green manure 绿肥

green moss 青苔

green mud 绿泥

green pigment 绿色色素

green revolution 绿色革命

green rock 绿色岩

green schist 绿色片岩

green sulfur bacteria 绿色硫黄细菌

greenhouse 温室

greenhouse effect 温室效应

greenland high 格陵兰高压

greenschist facies 绿色片岩相

greenstone 绿岩

greenwich meridian 格林尼治子午线

gregariousness 群集度

greisen 云英岩

griblet 思

grid 格网

grid bearing 坐标象限角

grid convergence 子午线收敛角

grid coordinates 平面直角坐标

grid data 网格点数据

grid line 坐标格网线

grid map 网格地图

grid north 格网北

grid reference 参考坐标格网

grid square 坐标方格

grid ticks 格网标记

grit 粗砂岩

gritty soil 砂砾质土

grobal environment 全球环境

groove 小沟

gross production 总产量

gross productivity 总生产能力

ground 地面

ground avalanche 地崩

ground coefficient 地基系数

ground control center 地面控制中心

ground control point 地面控制点

ground cover 死地被物

ground drain 地下排水

ground fog 低雾

ground humidity 土壤湿度

ground ice 底冰

ground layer 贴地层

ground level 地面高程

ground moistening 地下湿润

ground moraine 冰底碛

ground photogrammetry 地面摄影测量

ground pressure 地压

ground range resolution 地距分辨率

ground receiving station 地面接收站

ground resolution 地面分辨率

ground return 地面反射

ground survey 地面测量

ground temperature 地面温度

ground truth data 地面实况数据

ground truth investigation 地面实况甸

ground truth sites 地面实况点

ground vegetation 地面植被

ground vegetation cover 地面植被

ground visibility 地面能见度

ground water 潜水

ground water budget 地下水平衡

ground water cascade 地下水跌差

ground water depth 地下水深度

ground water divide 地下分水界

ground water lateritic soil 潜水砖红壤性土

ground water level 地下水位

ground water occurrence 地下水赋友存条件

ground water paddy soil 地下水水稻土

ground water podsol soil 潜育灰化土

ground water podzol 潜水灰壤

ground water pollution 地下水污染

ground water recharge 地下水补给

ground water reservoir 地下水库

ground water run off 地下径流

ground water soil 潜水土壤

ground water spring 潜水泉

ground water storage 地下水储量

ground water surface 地下水面

ground water table 地下水位

groundmass 石基

groundwater 地下水

groundwater pollution 地下水污染

groundwater recession 地下水位下降

groundwater runoff 地下径流

group 群

group reaction 组反应

group synchronization 群同步

grouping 分组

grove 小林

growing delta 生长三角洲

growing point 生长点

growing season 生长期

growth 生长

growth curve 生长曲线

growth factor 生长因子

growth information 长势信息

growth regulator 生长第物质

growth ring 生长轮

growth substance 生长物质

grubbing 挖除伐根

gruenerite 铁闪石

guanite 鸟粪石

guano 鸟粪

guidance 制导

guide copy 底图

guide elements 旨元素

guide fossil 标准化石

gulch 冲沟

gulf 海湾

gully erosion 挖深浸蚀

gullying 沟道下切

gum tree forest 桉村林

gust 阵风

gust frequency 阵风频率

gustiness 阵性

gutenberg discontinuity 古登堡间断面

guttation 吐水

gymnosperms 裸子植物

gypsic horizon 石膏层

gypsic xerosols 石膏干旱土

gypsic yermosols 石膏漠境土

gypsophil 喜石膏植物

gypsophilous plants 喜石膏植物

gypsophyte 石膏植物

gypsum crust 石膏结壳

gypsum salt series 石膏盐分系列

gypsuming 施用石膏

gyre 环流

gyro 陀螺仪

gyrocompass 回转罗盘

gyrostat 回转稳定器

gyrotheodolite 陀螺经纬仪

gyttja 腐殖泥


  Out of all of America's symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty This giant figure, torch in hand and clutching a stone tablet, has for a century acted as a figurehead for the American Dream; indeed there is probably no more immediately recognizable profile in existence It's worth remembering that the statue is - for Americans at least - a potent reminder that the USA is a land of immigrants: it was New York Harbor where the first big waves of European immigrants arrived, their ships entering through the Verrazano Narrows to round the bend of the bay and catch a first glimpse of "Liberty Enlightening the World" - an end of their journey into the unknown, and the symbolic beginning of a new life

  These days, although only the very wealthy can afford to arrive here by sea, and a would-be immigrant's first (and possibly last) view of the States is more likely to be the customs check at JFK Airport, Liberty remains a stirring sight, with Emma Lazarus's poem, The New Colossus, written originally to raise funds for the statue's base, no less quotable than when it was written……

  Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse to your teeming shore Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door"

  The statue, which depicts Liberty throwing off her shackles and holding a beacon to light the world, was the creation of the French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, who crafted it a hundred years after the American Revolution in recognition of solidarity between the French and American people (though it's fair to add that Bartholdi originally intended the statue for Alexandria in Egypt) Bartholdi built Liberty in Paris between 1874 and 1884, starting with a terracotta model and enlarging it through four successive versions to its present size, a construction of thin copper sheets bolted together and supported by an iron framework designed by Gustave Eiffel The arm carrying the torch was exhibited in Madison Square Park for seven years, but the whole statue wasn't officially accepted on behalf of the American people until 1884, after which it was taken apart, crated up and shipped to New York

  It was to be another two years before it could be properly unveiled: money had to be collected to fund the construction of the base, and for some reason Americans were unwilling - or unable - to dip into their pockets Only through the campaigning efforts of newspaper magnate Joseph Pulitzer, a keen supporter of the statue, did it all come together in the end Richard Morris Hunt built a pedestal around the existing star-shaped Fort Wood, and Liberty was formally dedicated by President Cleveland on October 28, 1886, in a flag-waving shindig that has never really stopped The statue was closed for a few years in the mid-1980s for extensive renovation and, in 1986, fifteen million people descended on Manhattan for the statue's centennial celebrations

  Today you can climb steps up to the crown, but the cramped stairway though the torch sadly remains closed to the public Don't be surprised if there's an hour-long wait to ascend Even if there is, Liberty Park's views of the lower Manhattan skyline, the twin towers of the World Trade Center lording it over the jutting teeth of New York's financial quarter, are spectacular enough


  On the surface, Chinatown is prosperous - a "model slum," some have called it - with the lowest crime rate, highest employment and least juvenile delinquency of any city district Walk through its crowded streets at any time of day, and every shop is doing a brisk and businesslike trade: restaurant after restaurant is booming; there are storefront displays of shiny squids, clawing crabs and clambering lobster; and street markets offer overflowing piles of exotic green vegetables, garlic and ginger root Chinatown has the feel of a land of plenty, and the reason why lies with the Chinese themselves: even here, in the very core of downtown Manhattan, they have been careful to preserve their own way of dealing with things, preferring to keep affairs close to the bond of the family and allowing few intrusions into a still-insular culture There have been several concessions to Westerners - storefront signs now offer English translations, and Haagen Dazs and Baskin Robbins ice-cream stores have opened on lower Mott Street - but they can't help but seem incongruous The one time of the year when Chinatown bursts open is during the Chinese New Year festival, held each year on the first full moon after January 19, when a giant dragon runs down Mott Street to the accompaniment of firecrackers, and the gutters run with ceremonial dyes

  Beneath the neighborhood's blithely prosperous facade, however, there is a darker underbelly Sharp practices continue to flourish, with traditional extortion and protection rackets still in business Non-union sweatshops - their assembly lines grinding from early morning to late into the evening - are still visited by the US Department of Labor, who come to investigate workers' testimonies of being paid below minimum wage for seventy-plus-hour work weeks Living conditions are abysmal for the poorer Chinese - mostly recent immigrants and the elderly - who reside in small rooms in overcrowded tenements ill-kept by landlords Yet, because the community has been cloistered for so long and has only just begun to seek help from city officials for its internal problems, you won't detect any hint of difficulties unless you reside in Chinatown for a considerable length of time



  Walt and Roy Disney began their partnership on October 16, 1923 when they signed a contract to produce the Alice Comedies, a series of six- to eight-minute animated films, or "shorts," combining live-action and animation What began as the Disney Brothers Studio evolved into The Walt Disney Company

  Throughout the decades, the company has expanded worldwide from shorts to feature-length animated and live-action films and television production; character merchandise licensing; consumer products retailing; book, magazine and music publishing; Internet activities; television and radio broadcasting; cable television programming; and the operation of theme parks and resorts

  From the creation of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit in 1927 and the debut of Mickey Mouse in 1928 to the premiere of Tarzan in 1999, animation has remained the defining signature of the company Along the way, Disney has added successful TV shows like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, opened theme parks in California, Florida, France and Japan, launched more than 700 Disney Stores and added brands such as Touchstone, Miramax, ABC and ESPN to the fold

  To make the most of Disneyland - the ultimate escapist fantasy and the blueprint for imitations worldwide - throw yourself right into it Don't think twice about anything and go on every ride you can The high admission price ($36) includes them all, although during peak periods each one can entail hours of queueing Remember, too, that the emphasis is on family fun; the authorities take a dim view of anything remotely anti-social and eject those they consider guilty

  Over four hundred "Imaginers" worked to create the Indiana Jones Adventure, Disneyland's biggest opening in years Two hours of queueing are built into the ride, with an interactive archeological dig and 1930s-style newsreel show leading up to the main feature - a giddy journey along 2500ft of skull-encrusted corridors in which you face fireballs, falling rubble, venomous snakes and, inevitably, a rolling boulder finale Disney claims that, thanks to computer engineering, no two Indiana Jones rides are ever alike Judge for yourself

  Among the best of the older rides are two in Adventureland: the Pirates of the Caribbean, a boat trip through underground caverns, singing along with drunken pirates; and the Haunted Mansion, a riotous "doom buggy" tour in the company of the house spooks

  Tomorrowland is Disney's vision of the future, where the Space Mountain roller coaster zips through the pitch-blackness of outer space, and the Star Tours ride simulates a journey into the world of George Lucas The Skyway cable-car line that connects Tomorrowland with the clever but cloyingly sentimental Fantasyland is the only spot in the park from which you can see the outside world

  As for accommodation, try to visit Disneyland just for the day and spend the night somewhere else Most of the hotels and motels nearby cost well in excess of $70 per night

  You're not permitted to bring your own food to the park; you can only consume the fast food sold on the premises

  Disneyland is at 1313 Harbor Blvd, Anaheim, 45 minutes by car from downtown using the Santa Ana Freeway In summer, the park is open daily between 8am and 1am; otherwise opening hours are weekdays 10am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to midnight, and Sunday 9am to 10pm Arrive early; traffic quickly becomes nightmarish, especially in the summer For further information, including public transportation details, call 714/999-4565

  Spotlight on StPetersburg


  StPetersburgThe very name brings to mind some of Russia's greatest poets,writers and composers:Pushkin,Dostoevsky,TchaikovskyThe 19th century was a golden age for StPetersburg's wealthy classesIt was a world of ballets and balls,of art and literature,of tea and caviar


  The golden age ended with the advent of World War 1Working people were growing more and more discontentedIn 1917,Communism came,promising peace and prosperity


  StPetersburg had become Petrograd in 1914People wanted a Russian name for their cityTen years later,the city's name changed again,this time to LeningradThen in 1991,Leningraders voted to restore the city's original nameSome people opposed the name change altogetherOthers thought it was just too soonOld,run-down Soviet Leningrad,they said,was not the StPetersburg of 19th-century literature


  What,then,is StPetersburgIn the confusing post-Communist world,no one really knowsThe quiet,if Soviet-style,dignity is goneThe Communist sayings are down,and gaudy advertising upCandy bars and cigarettes are sold from boxy,tasteless kiosksAnd clothingWell,anything goesEveryone wants to be a little differentBut many people do not know the true meaning of freedomPersonal crime has gone up,up,up in the past few years


  Yet in spite of this,you can still find some of the city's grand pastStand at the western tip of Vasilievsky IslandTo the right is the elegant Winter Palace,former home of the czarsIts light blue sides and white classical columns make it perhaps StPetersburg's most graceful buildingIt houses one of the worlds most famous art museums:the HermitageInside,20km of galleries house thousands of works of artLook over your right shoulderThe massive golden dome of StIsaac's Cathedral rises above the skylineYou'll see,too,why StPetersburg is called a "floating city"Standing there,nearly surrounded by water,you can see four of the city's 42islands


  Cross the bridge and turn behind the Winter PalaceIn the middle of the huge Palace Square stands the Alexander ColumnIt commemorates Russia's victory over NapoleonThe 650-ton granite column is not attached to the base in any wayIts own weight keeps it uprightHoisted into place in 1832,it has stood there ever since


  Continue to Nevsky Prospekt,the heart of the old cityLet the crowds hurry by while you take your timeAdmire the fine carving on bridges and columns,above doorways and windowsCross over canals and pass by smaller palaces and other classical structuresLet your eyes drink in the light blues,greens,yellows and pinks


  Take time to wander among Kazan Cathedral's semi circle of enormous brown columnsOr, if you prefer Russian-style architecture,cross the street and follow the canal a short distanceThe Church of the Resurrection occupies the site where Czar Alexander 11was assassinated in 1881


  Travel outside the city to Petrodvorets Palace for a taste of old imperial grandeurAfter a visit to France in the late 17th century,Peter the Great decided to build a palace for himself better than VersaillesHis dream never came true in his lifetimeIt took almost two centuries to complete the palace and park complex


  Seldom does any city have the chance to reinvent itselfThat chance has now come to StPetersburgA few people might hope to return to the glory of the past,but most know that is impossibleThey want to preserve the best of past eras and push aheadYou can bet the city won't be old StPetersburg,but something altogether different






  Niagara Falls comprises three distinct cataracts The tallest are the American and Bridal Veil falls on the American side, separated by tiny Luna Island and plunging over jagged rocks in a 180ft drop; the broad Horseshoe Falls which curve their way over to Canada are probably the most impressive They date back a mere twelve thousand years, when the retreat of melting glaciers allowed water trapped in Lake Erie to gush north to Lake Ontario Back then the falls were seven miles downriver, but constant erosion has cut them back to their present site The falls are colorfully lit up at night, and many say they're most beautiful in winter, when the grounds are covered in snow and the waters turn to ice

  The best views on the American side are from the Prospect Point Observation Tower (daily; 50¢), and from the area at its base where the water rushes past; Terrapin Point on Goat Island in the middle of the river has similar views of Horseshoe Falls The nineteenth-century tightrope-walker Blondin crossed the Niagara repeatedly near here, and even carried passengers across on his back; other suicidal fools over the years have taken the plunge in barrels One survivor among the many fatalities was the Englishman Bobby Leach, who went over in a steel barrel in July 1911 and had to spend the rest of the year in hospital That practice has since been banned (though a couple of maniacs did it in summer 1995 and came away with minor bruises), for reasons which become self-evident when you approach the towering cascade on the not-to-be-missed Maid of the Mist boat trip from the foot of the observation tower (summer Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat & Sun 10am-6pm; $850; 716/284-4233) From Goat Island, the Cave of the Winds tour leads down to the base of the falls by elevator to within almost touching distance of the water (mid-May to late Oct; $550) A combination pass for these and other attractions costs $16 Rainbow helicopter tours (716/284-2800) are a more expensive proposition at $40 per person for a ten-minute ride To check the view out from Niagara Falls, Ontario, it's a twenty-minute walk across the Rainbow Bridge to the Canadian side (25¢ each way; bring ID, and check with US Immigration officials before heading across), where you get an arguably better view, bigger crowds and even more tawdry commercialism Driving across is inadvisable: the toll for a car is just 75¢, but parking on the other side is upwards of $15

  As you look on in awe, reflect that you're seeing only about half the volume of water - the rest is diverted to hydroelectric power stations The full story of this engineering feat is related at the free Niagara Power Project Visitors Center in nearby Lewiston (July & Aug daily 9am-6pm; Sept-June daily 10am-5pm; 716/285-3211) With your own transportation it's also possible to trace the inhospitable Niagara Gorge two miles along the dramatic Robert Moses Parkway to the Whirlpool Rapids, a violent maelstrom swollen by broken trees and other flotsam

  Ten miles east of Niagara Falls, the town of LOCKPORT takes its name from the series of locks that raise and lower boats some 65ft at the western end of the Erie Canal You can see the impressive flight of locks from the Pine Street Bridge, or up close on canal boat tours (May - Nov daily at 1230 & 3pm, also 10am on Sat; $9; 716/693-3260)
