


导读:Fat 肥胖 is the most common and direct word, but it is not polite to say someone that they are fat: Does this dress make m

Fat 肥胖 is the most common and direct word, but it is not polite to say someone that they are fat: Does this dress make me look fat 以”fat” 来形容肥胖的人不是很有礼貌。

Overweight 超重 is a more neutral word I’m a bit overweight It can also mean too fat, especially so if you are not fit


Large or heavy 大块头 is less offensive than fat: she’s a rather large woman Big describe someone is tall as well as fat : Her sister is a big girl, isn’t she

比fat 较有礼貌的形容词。”Big” 可用来形容又胖又高大的人 (大个子)。

Plump 丰满 means slightly fat in an attractive way, often used to describe women


Chubby圆胖,胖嘟嘟的 used mainly to describe babies and children who are fat in a pleasant, healthy-looking way: The baby’s chubby cheeks


Tubby 矮胖 is used in a friendly way to describe people who are short and round, especially around the stomach


Stocky 用来形容矮胖兼结实者 is a neutral word and means fairly short, broad and strong

Stout 形容肥壮的年长者 is often used to describe older people who have a round and heavy appearance: a short stout man with a bald head

Flabby 松弛的赘肉 describes flesh that is fat and loose and it can sound offensive: exercises to firm up flabby thighs

Obese 痴肥 used by doctors to describe people who are so fat that they are unhealthy It also used in a general way to mean ‘really fat’

















调情: 血精灵女: Is that a mana worm in your pocket, or you are just happy to see me 你裤袋里是有一条魔法虫,还是你见到我太“兴奋”了?(不予置评好孩子不要多问,坏孩子自己想象) I'm addicted to you, baby~ 我对你上瘾了,宝贝(大家都知道血精灵是磕药族哈) Normally I would only ride on epic mounts, but, let's talk 一般情况下我只骑史诗坐骑,不过,我们可以谈谈(“骑”,“史诗坐骑”自己去理解) My mana tap brings all the boys to the yard 我的魔法分流能招来所有的男孩 I'm the girl that ESRB warned you about 我就是那个ESRB 警告你要小心的女孩(ESRB,Entertainment Software Rating Board,美国游戏分级组织,就是评定一个游戏是PG13,Teen,还是R 的组织。所以这句话翻译的再露骨点就是:“我就是那个让WOW 被评为不适合未成年人的女孩”) 血精灵男: Your eyes are like the sunwell… before the explosion that doomed us all of course! 你的眼睛就像太阳井当然是在它把我们大家炸了个稀巴烂之前!(整个种族的心灵创伤) You look almost as good as I do 你几乎跟我一样美丽(=__=) Hey, why don't you come over here and… oh, watch the hair! 宝贝,你要不要过来。。。喂,别弄乱我的发型!(=___=) You know what I love about your eyes When I look deep enough, I can see my own reflection 你知道我最喜欢你眼睛哪一点么?当我往它们深处望去,我能看到我自己的倒影(陶醉的语气)(=____=) I know every rose has its thorn, but if you would just pour some sugar on me we can rock and roll all night and party everyday 我知道玫瑰是带刺的,但只要你小心采摘,我们可以缠绵到永远!(换言之,玫瑰是形容他自己呢。。。 笑话 血精灵女: No, no, I won't do that, but my sister will! 不,不,我不会这么做的不过我妹妹会! Do you believe in love at first sight Or should I walk by again 你相信一见钟情么?还是我们应该再邂逅一次~?(臭屁的小丫头。) I went to the Undercity to get a facial, ah, have you seen these people! I said, you don't have a lower jaw and you’re gonna give me a facial She got mad; at least I think she did You ever heard someone talk without a lower jaw #$%@& haha, she sounded like a murloc! 我去幽暗城做面部美容,天啊,你见过那帮家伙嘛!我说:你自己连下巴都没有,却要给我做面部美容?她生气了,至少我想是这样。你听过没有下巴的人说话么?#$%@&(恶意模仿) 哈哈,她听上去就像个鱼人! Oh, I hate Thunder Bluff, you can't find a good burger anywhere! 哦,我讨厌雷霆崖,你根本找不到好吃的汉堡!(嗯,欺负完亡灵MM又去欺负牛牛了) Mirrors can't talk, luckily for you they can't laugh either! 镜子不会说话。对你来说幸运的是,它们也不会笑~ (各位女性玩家千万忍住不要砸显示器。。。) How can I miss you if you don't go away 你不离开我怎么能想你呢?(说你呢,屏幕前流口水那个!) Do you think the expansion will make me fat 你觉得资料片会让我变胖嘛?(Expansion 同时有“资料片”和“扩张”的意思) So you mean I'm stuck with this hair color 你的意思是我这一辈子只能这一种发色了?(臭美的小丫头,要怪怪暴雪去。。。) 血精灵男: Want to see my good side Hahaha, that was a trick question, all I have are good sides 想看我最美的一面?这问题可真怪,其实我没一面都很美(自恋传说) Give me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, courage the things I can and wisdom to…AHHH just give me some freaking magic before I kill somebody! 给我能接受我无法改变的事情的平静,给我能挑战我可以改变的事情的勇气,给我智慧啊啊啊(抓狂),在我杀人前给我点他妈的魔法!(典型的毒瘾发作) The problem with these Horde characters is that they lack sophistication, farts 这些部落角色的问题在于他们不够成熟稳重(话音刚落自己放了个屁 ) I'm trying to cut back on arcane magic, look, I got the patch 我正在努力克服对魔法的依赖,在来点儿~ We are allied with the Taurens Fantastic! We will be having steak twice a week! 我们跟牛头人结盟了?太好了!我们每个星期可以吃两次牛排~(老实的牛牛注定要被这群贱人欺负。。。) Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me 你难道不希望你的女朋友像我这么性感嘛~?(真�6�1自恋传说。。) Sigh, I can really use a scrunchy, yea you heard me! (叹气)要是有个发圈就好了,你有意见?!(你是Gay还是芭比娃娃。) 那天我在排队乘坐蝙蝠,我前面是个亡灵。他突然放了个屁!我不知道他吃了什么,但一定是没消化,简直是太恶心了!(亡灵吃的是尸体)

I've been down and I'm wondering why


These little black clouds keep walking around with me, with me


Waste time and I'd rather be high


Think I'll walk me outside and buy a rainbow smile but be free, be all free


So maybe tomorrow I'll find my way home


So maybe tomorrow I'll find my way home

I look around at a beautifiul life


I been the upper side of down


been the inside of out but we breathe, we breathe


I wanna a breeze in an open mind


I wannam in the ocean


wanna take my time for me, all free


So maybe tomorrow I'll find my way home


So maybe tomorrow I'll find my way home

So maybe tomorrow I'll find my way home


1 plump

2 fat


1 如果你不多作运动,就会发胖。

If you don't get more exercise, you'll get fat

2 那个胖子坐下时,旧椅子发出嘎吱的响声。

The old chair gave a groan when the fat man sat down on it

3 他被夹在两个胖女人中间。

He was sandwiched between two fat women

4 他竟然胆敢对我说我太肥胖。

He had the audacity to tell me I was too fat

5 这个胖男孩节制饮食以减轻过量的体重。

The fat boy went on a diet to get rid of his excess weight

6 那位胖妇人穿着金色的紧身礼服,显得滑稽可笑。

That fat woman looked ridiculous in her tight golden dress

7 那个胖子经常大吃甜食。

The fat man gorged himself constantly with enormous desserts

8 他太胖了,以致于弯不下腰。

His fatness renders him unable to bend down 胖起来

wax fat


a round bunchy face


She is fat


an inclination to grow fat


To make or become fat;fatten


The little boy is fat


pudding face


the baby's plump arms


You need to put on more beef


She called me fat