


导读: 日本寿司Sushi是很多去日本旅行的朋友最喜欢吃的食物之一,揉捏后加上芥末及其它调味,你是不是已经光顾着流口水而不知道该如何说关于寿司的英语口语了呢  你知道“芥末”该怎么说嘛  Mustard  VS








 Light mayo低卡蛋黄酱 Mayo 蛋黄酱/美乃滋酱

 Ranch牧场沙拉酱 Southwest Chipolte西南胡椒酱

 Sweet Onion 甜葱酱 Thousand Island千岛酱

 Caviar 鱼子酱 Scallop 扇贝 Salmon 三文鱼

 Shrimp虾 Surfclam 北极贝 Tuna 吞拿鱼


 I have a touch of the Hong Kong dog



 The Hong Kong dog并非指一种狗,



 I've got the runs



 pharmacy 药房 & allergic 过敏



 I am allergic to seafood



 Could you tell me how to take this medicine





 The Hake Kitchen&Bar

 Santa Barbara Shellfish Company




要具体到哪一种直接就是单词组合一下就ok啦 什么什么sushi什么什么roll

Cucumber Sushi就是黄瓜寿司~

Carb Roe Sushi蟹黄寿司~

Wahu Sushi和风寿司

Salmon Sushi 三文鱼寿司

Swordfish Sushi箭鱼寿司

Squid Sushi鱿鱼寿司

Prown Sushi明虾寿司

Gyrus Sushi回转寿司

还有加了照烧酱滴鸡肉寿司叫 Chinken Toryaky Sushi~


Handroll 手卷 Eel Rice 鳗鱼饭 Sake 日本米酒 Miso Shiru 味噌汤 Roast Meat 铁板烤肉

Sashimi 生鱼片 Crab Meat 蟹肉 Salmon 三文鱼 Escargots 田螺

Putin tea 普茶 Zhuo burden 卓袱 Mustard 芥末 Janpenes Soy Souse 日本酱油

Toryaky 照烧酱 Sashi 日本竹筷









sashi 日本竹筷

sake 日本米酒

miso shiru 味噌汤

roast meat 铁板烤肉

sashimi 生鱼

crab meat 蟹肉

prawn 明虾

conch 海螺

escargots 田螺

Sushi 寿司

Putin tea 普茶

Zhuo burden 卓袱

Salmon 三文鱼

Sashimi 生鱼片


1, cooked Steamed Rice (1 bowl is an example) some, pay attention to control time when steaming Steamed Rice, the very long right away very hard , indisposed Steamed Rice cooperation laver has boarded Conditional returning back can prepare the polished glutinous rice and millet cooking thoroughly some , adulterate three kinds meter doing comparatively traditional doctrine of meeting together The laver (1 piece of that) is infertile 2,a slice a sheet of's, be not that being used for a soup's in the ordinary time The flavour to come certainly being that Korea Republic transports is the most traditional 3, (2 eggs spread out fully grown egg skin , cut a pencil 4, carrot , cucumber every 1 pencil 5, is subsidiary expect that dried meat floss , crab meat willow , ham , sausage let choose one kind or several appearance, you also can put in self other delicious rice or millet gruel droplet Need to cut be accomplished except dried meat floss , other can be sure 6, seasoning: White sugar , white vinegar , salt are a few , are fond of rich may Gaza pulls tomato ketchup cooked in soy sauce etcGo into operation: Tomato ketchup cooked in soy sauce stirs 1, equation and the like just the right amount , then in hot Steamed Rice put into middle put into white sugar , white vinegar , salt , salad , put aside be let cool The dawdler may skip over this step 2, is sure to grow up , after the egg scatters after frying fully grown egg skin in entering the flat base boiler, method of type, is sure to do a pencil again The dawdler also may skip over this single-step with not loving egg person 3, lavers use microwave oven to dry half minutes The dawdler and nothing equipment person still may skip over this single-step Ps: The laver have baked lets cold Steamed Rice cool package , scalds by not very as long as Steamed Rice being left all to directly right away airing a moment, being going to go And then 4, spreads a laver over , fall with Steamed Rice in above , use ladle to do it flat , stick in laver above, having laid a vegetable and meat that a bar liking it eats , a laver is firl again Definitely want cinching (have the birthday department bamboo screen best) 5, opens time using knife to cut be accomplished 15 cms' small piece Have readjusted oneself to a certain extent a caviare conditionally right away, the soy sauce recommending green mustard and Japan fitting eats Material: Roast 2 lavers , Steamed Rice one bowl , white vinegar 2 large spoons , salt , candy modicum , 2 crab willow , 2 maize bamboo shoots 1 carrot cucumber dried meat floss 2 ham sausage eggs that is infertile , a slice a slice's , is not that being used for a soup's in the ordinary time The infertile the most traditional flavour laver to come certainly being that Korea Republic transports uses microwave oven to dry half minutes , not going beyond the limit, the dawdler and nothing equipment person still may skip over this single-step that (2 eggs spread out fully grown egg skin , cut a pencil Concrete method is: The egg is sure to grow up after frying fully grown egg skin in scattering the day afer tomorrow , entering the flat base boiler, method of type, is sure to do a pencil again The dawdler also may skip over this single-step with not loving egg person 1 grows carrot , cucumber respectively Carrot can not eat even if assisting material is that dried meat floss , crab meat willow , ham , sausage assume a post of selections one kind or several appearance , you also can put in self other delicious rice or millet gruel droplet Need to cut be accomplished except dried meat floss , other can be sure Middle soak one two in Shimizu with rice hour, Steamed Rice steaming out is neither too harder , nor too softer than, conditional returning back can prepare the polished glutinous rice and millet cooking thoroughly some , adulterate three kinds meter doing comparatively traditional doctrine of meeting together While heat adds (white birthday department vinegar vinegar , candy, salt modulates) mixing homogeneously according to 5:2:1 proportion , Steamed Rice and the vinegar proportion are 5:1 , readjusts oneself to a certain extent cold and then with the person in entering a bowl greatly after 1:1 cooks Steamed Rice and water thoroughly Ps: The laver have baked lets cold Steamed Rice cool package , scalds by not very as long as Steamed Rice being left all to directly right away airing a moment, being going to go When being to wait for the Steamed Rice temperature to be a little lower than the hand temperature however in general, spread out on readjusting oneself to a certain extent with the laver in birthday department bamboo screen, flat with Steamed Rice (approximately 05 centimetres , of shop thickness going ahead using ladle to do it flat paving Steamed Rice) in laver the special-purpose laver making the laver , the Japanese cuisine best with the speciality will can The process laying Steamed Rice is going to be completed as rapidly as possible, incorrect may deliquesce because of absorbing more than the correct or required number moisture content , unable laver molding Parcel , Steamed Rice do not external dew , degree of tightness is more moderate than (Can lay down a basin of water in at one's side , use Shimizu to dip in at any time dip in cannot be therefore likely have glued hand) Laver that the compaction, and voidance upper end control then 2 centimetres Put the appropriate amount crab willow twig inside homogeneously, maize bamboo shoot and cucumber Use hand to firl a bamboo screen , definitely to want cinching , the Bao Cheng meal regiment Open time using knife to cut be accomplished 15 cms' being OK small piece with regard to the ok Higher authority can put in a caviare , there are still, be stained with upright Mo and more dyadic with each passing day green soy sauce eating talent delicious Salad tomato ketchup cooked in soy sauce is and so on also not bad Another , egg , sausage , cucumber , radish , bean curd , sesame seed are arranged in groups also, these things seem all have no relation , collocate but only being capable to do special delicious ^ ^ (egg , sausage , cucumber , radish , bean curd , sesame seed etc is sure to become powder sesame seed being needless to be sure right away , should cook thoroughly also needing to shift to an earlier date cooking thoroughly) , readjust oneself to a certain extent in Steamed Rice central authority Method same as above Cut to boarding roll well into Duan packing a set While heat can after having eaten or having put in within the refrigerator ice,local flavour is respectively different Cucumber , sausage (ham also become) Qieding , use tomato ketchup , salad to cook in soy sauce , partial white sugar is mixed evenly also may stir-fry the familiar queen put in