


导读:Rules Aim of the game• For the villagers: to kill the werewolves• For the werewolves: To kill the villagersEach night th


Aim of the game

• For the villagers: to kill the werewolves

• For the werewolves: To kill the villagers

Each night they eat a villager During the day they appear as a normal villager in order to disguise their identity

Each night one of them is killed by the werewolves This player is out of the game and cannot participate in any discussions During the day, the Villagers that have survived the night must discuss amongst each other and decide who they believe is the werewolf out of the remaining players This player will be killed – hopefully it will be the werewolf!

• Simple Villager •

He or she has no particular skills; he or she must be particularly intuitive

• Seer •

Each night she can look at a card of a player of her choice to find out the real She must help the villagers without being found out by the werewolves

• Hunter © •

If The Hunter gets killed, either by the werewolves at night or by the villagers during the day, has the power to retaliate by killing a player of his choice immediately

• Cupid © •

On the first night, Cupid picks 2 players who he denotes as lovers Those 2 players will fall madly in love with each another If one of the lovers dies, the other, out of sadness, dies immediately A Werewolf and a villager can also be in love They therefore play against all others, werewolves and villagers If the lovers survive, they win the game Cupid may select himself as one of the 2 lovers

• The witch •

She knows how to make up 2 extremely powerful potions: One healing potion, which can revive the player that has been killed by the werewolves One poison potion which when used at night can kill a player The witch must use each potion only once during the game She can use her 2 potions on the same night if she wishes In the morning following the use of her potions there could be 0, 1 or 2 dead The witch may use her potion to her advantage and heal herself

• Thief © •

2 extra cards must be added to the game During the first night the Thief can swap his card against one of the 2 cards (face down) that were left out of the game after all the cards have been dealt out He will play with his new identity for the rest of the game If both cards are werewolf cards the thief must pick one up

• Little girl © •

During the night when the werewolves are selecting their victim, she is allowed to spy on them (by peeping) She must try not to get caught peeping by the werewolves, otherwise she will be killed immediately by the werewolves instead of the other victim

• Captain•

This card is given to one of the players, in addition to its character card The captain is elected after having the majority of votes from other players One cannot refuse the honour to be captain From this moment on, a vote from the captain counts as two votes If this player is killed, in his last breathe he chooses his successor

You can pick and mix the cards as you want, introducing more and more characters as your group becomes familiar with the game The minimum configuration is:

2 Werewolves, 1 Seer, 5 Simple Villagers See the table at the end of the rules for the recommended amount of werewolves per players













还有个很重要的部分,玩家在发言的时候,不能说与本次游戏无关的因素。比如“XXX在狼人杀人阶段用手碰到了我,所以XXX肯定是狼人!”  推理游戏嘛,这样玩就没什么意思了。法官到了白天,突然忘记谁死掉了,可以重新进行个狼人杀人的步骤。













